// @(#)root/treeplayer:$Id$ // Author: Philippe Canal 20/03/02 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers and al. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TTreeFormulaManager.h" #include "TArrayI.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TLeafElement.h" ClassImp(TTreeFormulaManager) //________________________________________________________________________________ // // A TreeFormulaManager is used to coordinate one or more TTreeFormula objecs // // In particular it makes sure that the dimensions and size of all the formulas // is properly coordinated. // //______________________________________________________________________________ TTreeFormulaManager::TTreeFormulaManager() : TObject() { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Tree FormulaManger default constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ====================================== fMultiplicity = 0; fMultiVarDim = kFALSE; fNeedSync = kFALSE; fNdata = 1; for(Int_t i=0; ifManager; if (old) { if (old==this) { if (fFormulas.FindObject(adding)) return; } else { old->fFormulas.Remove(adding); if (old->fFormulas.GetLast()==-1) delete adding->fManager; } } if (adding->TestBit(TTreeFormula::kNeedEntries)) { SetBit(TTreeFormula::kNeedEntries); } fFormulas.Add(adding); adding->fManager = this; fNeedSync = kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTreeFormulaManager::AddVarDims(Int_t virt_dim) { // Add a variable dimension if (!fVarDims[virt_dim]) fVarDims[virt_dim] = new TArrayI; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTreeFormulaManager::CancelDimension(Int_t virt_dim) { // Cancel a dimension. This is usually called when an out-of-bounds index // is used. fCumulUsedSizes[virt_dim] = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTreeFormulaManager::EnableMultiVarDims() { // Set the manager as handling a formula with multiple variable dimensions fMultiVarDim = kTRUE; if (!fCumulUsedVarDims) fCumulUsedVarDims = new TArrayI; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTreeFormulaManager::GetNdata(Bool_t forceLoadDim) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return number of available instances in the formulas*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ==================================================== // Int_t k; // new version of GetNData: // Possible problem: we only allow one variable dimension so far. if (fMultiplicity==0) return fNdata; if (fMultiplicity==2) return fNdata; // CumulUsedSizes[0]; // We have at least one leaf with a variable size: // Reset the registers. for(k=0; k<=kMAXFORMDIM; k++) { fUsedSizes[k] = TMath::Abs(fVirtUsedSizes[k]); if (fVarDims[k]) { for(Int_t i0=0;i0GetSize();i0++) { fVarDims[k]->AddAt(0,i0); } } } if (fCumulUsedVarDims) { for(Int_t i0=0;i0GetSize();++i0) { fCumulUsedVarDims->AddAt(0,i0); } } TTreeFormula* current = 0; Int_t size = fFormulas.GetLast()+1; for(Int_t i=0; ifMultiplicity!=1 && !current->fHasCast) continue; if (!current->LoadCurrentDim() ) { if (forceLoadDim) { for(Int_t j=i+1; jfMultiplicity!=1 && !current->fHasCast) continue; current->LoadCurrentDim(); } } fNdata = 0; return 0; } } if (fMultiplicity==-1) { fNdata = 1; return fCumulUsedSizes[0]; } Int_t overall = 1; if (!fMultiVarDim) { for (k = kMAXFORMDIM; (k >= 0) ; k--) { if (fUsedSizes[k]>=0) { overall *= fUsedSizes[k]; fCumulUsedSizes[k] = overall; } else { Error("GetNdata","a dimension is still negative!"); } } } else { overall = 0; // Since we work with additions in this section if (fCumulUsedVarDims && fUsedSizes[0]>fCumulUsedVarDims->GetSize()) fCumulUsedVarDims->Set(fUsedSizes[0]); for(Int_t i = 0; i < fUsedSizes[0]; i++) { Int_t local_overall = 1; for (k = kMAXFORMDIM; (k > 0) ; k--) { if (fVarDims[k]) { Int_t index = fVarDims[k]->At(i); if (fCumulUsedVarDims && fCumulUsedVarDims->At(i)==1 && index) index = 1; if (fUsedSizes[k]==1 || (index!=1 && indexAt(i)<0) fCumulUsedVarDims->AddAt(0,i); else { fCumulUsedVarDims->AddAt(local_overall,i); overall += local_overall; } } } fNdata = overall; return overall; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TTreeFormulaManager::Sync() { // Synchronize all the formulae. if (!fNeedSync) return true; TTreeFormula* current = 0; Bool_t hasCast = kFALSE; fMultiplicity = 0; // We do not use an intermediary variable because ResetDimensions // might add more formulas (TCutG). for(Int_t i=0; ifHasCast; // We probably need to reset the formula's dimension current->ResetDimensions(); switch (current->GetMultiplicity()) { case 0: // nothing to do break; case 1: fMultiplicity = 1; break; case 2: if (fMultiplicity!=1) fMultiplicity = 2; break; default: Error("Sync","Unexpected case!"); } } // end of for each formulas // For now we keep fCumulUsedSizes sign aware. // This will be reset properly (if needed) by GetNdata. fCumulUsedSizes[kMAXFORMDIM] = fUsedSizes[kMAXFORMDIM]; for (Int_t k = kMAXFORMDIM; (k > 0) ; k--) { if (fUsedSizes[k-1]>=0) { fCumulUsedSizes[k-1] = fUsedSizes[k-1] * fCumulUsedSizes[k]; } else { fCumulUsedSizes[k-1] = - TMath::Abs(fCumulUsedSizes[k]); } } // Now that we know the virtual dimension we know if a loop over EvalInstance // is needed or not. if (fCumulUsedSizes[0]==1 && fMultiplicity>0) { // Case where even though we have an array. We know that they will always // only be one element. fMultiplicity -= 2; } else if (fCumulUsedSizes[0]<0 && fMultiplicity==2) { // Case of a fixed length array that have one of its indices given // by a variable. fMultiplicity = 1; } else if (fMultiplicity==0 && hasCast) { fMultiplicity = -1; } switch(fMultiplicity) { case 0: fNdata = 1; break; case 2: fNdata = fCumulUsedSizes[0]; break; default: fNdata = 0; } fNeedSync = kFALSE; return true; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTreeFormulaManager::UpdateFormulaLeaves() { // this function could be called TTreePlayer::UpdateFormulaLeaves, itself // called by TChain::LoadTree when a new Tree is loaded. // Because Trees in a TChain may have a different list of leaves, one // must update the leaves numbers in the TTreeFormula used by the TreePlayer. // A safer alternative would be to recompile the whole thing .... However // currently compile HAS TO be called from the constructor! Int_t size = fFormulas.GetLast()+1; for(Int_t i=0; iUpdateFormulaLeaves(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTreeFormulaManager::UpdateUsedSize(Int_t &virt_dim, Int_t vsize) { // Reload the array sizes if (vsize<0) fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim] = -1 * TMath::Abs(fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim]); else if ( TMath::Abs(fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim])==1 || (vsize < TMath::Abs(fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim]) ) ) { // Absolute values represent the min of all real dimensions // that are known. The fact that it is negatif indicates // that one of the leaf has a variable size for this // dimensions. if (fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim] < 0) { fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim] = -1 * vsize; } else { fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim] = vsize; } } fUsedSizes[virt_dim] = fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim]; virt_dim++; }