// @(#)root/treeviewer:$Id$ // Author: Bastien Dalla Piazza 20/07/07 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TSpiderEditor #define ROOT_TSpiderEditor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TSpiderEditor // // // // Editor widget for the TSpider. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TGedFrame #include "TGedFrame.h" #endif class TSpider; class TGCheckButton; class TGNumberEntryField; class TGNumberEntry; class TGButtonGroup; class TGRadioButton; class TGPicture; class TGPictureButton; class TGTextEntry; class TGLineStyleComboBox; class TGLineWidthComboBox; class TGColorSelect; class TGedPatternSelect; class TSpiderEditor : public TGedFrame { protected: TSpider *fSpider; // Pointer to the TSpider. TGCheckButton *fDisplayAverage; // Button for the display of the average. TGLineStyleComboBox *fAvLineStyleCombo; // line style combo box for the average. TGLineWidthComboBox *fAvLineWidthCombo; // line width combo box for the average. TGColorSelect *fAvLineColorSelect;// line color widget for the average. TGColorSelect *fAvFillColorSelect; // fill color widget for the average. TGedPatternSelect *fAvFillPatternSelect; // fill pattern widget for the average. TGNumberEntryField *fSetNx; // To set the nx number of subpads. TGNumberEntryField *fSetNy; // To set the ny number of subpads. TGButtonGroup *fBgroup; // Group of the plot type selection. TGRadioButton *fPolyLines; // Polyline option. TGRadioButton *fSegment; // Segment option. TGCompositeFrame *fBrowse; // Browse tab. TGNumberEntryField *fGotoEntry; // Jump to an entry field. TGPictureButton *fGotoNext; // Go to next entries button. const TGPicture *fPicNext; // Go to next entries picture. TGPictureButton *fGotoPrevious; // Go to previous entries button. const TGPicture *fPicPrevious; // Go to previous entries picture. TGPictureButton *fGotoFollowing; // Go to next entry button. const TGPicture *fPicFollowing; // Go to next entry picture. TGPictureButton *fGotoPreceding; // Go to last entry button. const TGPicture *fPicPreceding; // Go to last entry picture. TGTextEntry *fAddVar; // Add variable field. TGTextEntry *fDeleteVar; // Delete variable field. virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots(); void MakeBrowse(); public: TSpiderEditor(const TGWindow *p = 0, Int_t width = 140, Int_t height = 30, UInt_t options = kChildFrame, Pixel_t back = GetDefaultFrameBackground()); ~TSpiderEditor(); virtual void DoAddVar(); virtual void DoDeleteVar(); virtual void DoDisplayAverage(Bool_t av); virtual void DoGotoEntry(); virtual void DoGotoNext(); virtual void DoGotoPrevious(); virtual void DoGotoFollowing(); virtual void DoGotoPreceding(); virtual void DoSetNx(); virtual void DoSetNy(); virtual void DoSetPlotType(); virtual void SetModel(TObject* obj); virtual void DoAvLineStyle(Int_t); virtual void DoAvLineWidth(Int_t); virtual void DoAvLineColor(Pixel_t); virtual void DoAvFillColor(Pixel_t); virtual void DoAvFillPattern(Style_t); ClassDef(TSpiderEditor,0) // GUI for editing the spider plot attributes. }; #endif