// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Author: Bertrand Bellenot // Helper classes for the alice_esd_split.C demo. #include "TApplication.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TGFrame.h" #include "TGLayout.h" #include "TGSplitter.h" #include "TGLWidget.h" #include "TEvePad.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TGMenu.h" #include "TGStatusBar.h" #include "TGFileDialog.h" #include "TGMsgBox.h" #include "TGLPhysicalShape.h" #include "TGLLogicalShape.h" #include "HelpText.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TGListTree.h" #include "TOrdCollection.h" #include "TArrayF.h" #include "TGHtml.h" #include "TPRegexp.h" #include "TEveManager.h" #include "TEveViewer.h" #include "TEveBrowser.h" #include "TEveProjectionManager.h" #include "TEveProjectionAxes.h" #include "TEveScene.h" #include "TEveGeoNode.h" #include "TEveEventManager.h" #include "TEveTrack.h" #include "TEveSelection.h" #include "TRootEmbeddedCanvas.h" #include "TGSplitFrame.h" #include "TGLOverlayButton.h" #include "TGLEmbeddedViewer.h" #include "TGDockableFrame.h" #include "TGShapedFrame.h" #include "TGButton.h" #include "TGTab.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TFormula.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TH1F.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif const char *filetypes[] = { "ROOT files", "*.root", "All files", "*", 0, 0 }; const char *rcfiletypes[] = { "All files", "*", 0, 0 }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGShapedToolTip : public TGShapedFrame { private: TGShapedToolTip(const TGShapedToolTip&); // Not implemented TGShapedToolTip& operator=(const TGShapedToolTip&); // Not implemented protected: Int_t fTextX, fTextY, fTextH; TString fTextCol; TRootEmbeddedCanvas *fEc; // embedded canvas for histogram TH1 *fHist; // user histogram TString fText; // info (as tool tip) text virtual void DoRedraw() {} public: TGShapedToolTip(const char *picname, Int_t cx=0, Int_t cy=0, Int_t cw=0, Int_t ch=0, Int_t tx=0, Int_t ty=0, Int_t th=0, const char *col="#ffffff"); virtual ~TGShapedToolTip(); virtual void CloseWindow(); void CreateCanvas(Int_t cx, Int_t cy, Int_t cw, Int_t ch); void CreateCanvas(Int_t cw, Int_t ch, TGLayoutHints *hints); TH1 *GetHisto() const { return fHist; } const char *GetText() const { return fText.Data(); } void Refresh(); void SetHisto(TH1 *hist); void SetText(const char *text); void SetTextColor(const char *col); void SetTextAttributes(Int_t tx, Int_t ty, Int_t th, const char *col=0); void Show(Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *text = 0, TH1 *hist = 0); ClassDef(TGShapedToolTip, 0) // Shaped composite frame }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HtmlObjTable : public TObject { public: // make them public for shorter code TString fName; Int_t fNValues; // number of values Int_t fNFields; // number of fields TArrayF *fValues; TString *fLabels; Bool_t fExpand; TString fHtml; // HTML output code void Build(); void BuildTitle(); void BuildLabels(); void BuildTable(); public: HtmlObjTable(const char *name, Int_t nfields, Int_t nvals, Bool_t exp=kTRUE); virtual ~HtmlObjTable(); void SetLabel(Int_t col, const char *label) { fLabels[col] = label; } void SetValue(Int_t col, Int_t row, Float_t val) { fValues[col].SetAt(val, row); } TString Html() const { return fHtml; } ClassDef(HtmlObjTable, 0); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HtmlSummary { public: // make them public for shorter code Int_t fNTables; TOrdCollection *fObjTables; // ->array of object tables TString fHtml; // output HTML string TString fTitle; // page title TString fHeader; // HTML header TString fFooter; // HTML footer void MakeHeader(); void MakeFooter(); public: HtmlSummary(const char *title); virtual ~HtmlSummary(); HtmlObjTable *AddTable(const char *name, Int_t nfields, Int_t nvals, Bool_t exp=kTRUE, Option_t *opt=""); HtmlObjTable *GetTable(Int_t at) const { return (HtmlObjTable *)fObjTables->At(at); } void Build(); void Clear(Option_t *option=""); void Reset(Option_t *option=""); TString Html() const { return fHtml; } ClassDef(HtmlSummary, 0); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SplitGLView : public TGMainFrame { public: enum EMyCommands { kFileOpen, kFileExit, kFileLoadConfig, kFileSaveConfig, kHelpAbout, kGLPerspYOZ, kGLPerspXOZ, kGLPerspXOY, kGLXOY, kGLXOZ, kGLZOY, kGLOrthoRotate, kGLOrthoDolly, kSceneUpdate, kSceneUpdateAll, kSummaryUpdate }; private: TEvePad *fPad; // pad used as geometry container TGSplitFrame *fSplitFrame; // main (first) split frame TGLEmbeddedViewer *fViewer0; // main GL viewer TGLEmbeddedViewer *fViewer1; // first GL viewer TGLEmbeddedViewer *fViewer2; // second GL viewer TGLEmbeddedViewer *fActViewer; // actual (active) GL viewer static HtmlSummary *fgHtmlSummary; // summary HTML table static TGHtml *fgHtml; TGMenuBar *fMenuBar; // main menu bar TGPopupMenu *fMenuFile; // 'File' popup menu TGPopupMenu *fMenuHelp; // 'Help' popup menu TGPopupMenu *fMenuCamera; // 'Camera' popup menu TGPopupMenu *fMenuScene; // 'Scene' popup menu TGStatusBar *fStatusBar; // status bar TGShapedToolTip *fShapedToolTip; // shaped tooltip Bool_t fIsEmbedded; TEveViewer *fViewer[3]; TEveProjectionManager *fRPhiMgr; TEveProjectionManager *fRhoZMgr; public: SplitGLView(const TGWindow *p=0, UInt_t w=800, UInt_t h=600, Bool_t embed=kFALSE); virtual ~SplitGLView(); void ItemClicked(TGListTreeItem *item, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y); void HandleMenu(Int_t id); void OnClicked(TObject *obj); void OnMouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape *shape, UInt_t posx, UInt_t posy); void OnMouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape *shape); void OnViewerActivated(); void OpenFile(const char *fname); void SwapToMainView(TGLViewerBase *viewer); void ToggleOrthoRotate(); void ToggleOrthoDolly(); void UnDock(TGLViewerBase *viewer); void LoadConfig(const char *fname); void SaveConfig(const char *fname); static void UpdateSummary(); TEveProjectionManager *GetRPhiMgr() const { return fRPhiMgr; } TEveProjectionManager *GetRhoZMgr() const { return fRhoZMgr; } ClassDef(SplitGLView, 0) }; TEveProjectionManager *gRPhiMgr = 0; TEveProjectionManager *gRhoZMgr = 0; ClassImp(TGShapedToolTip) ClassImp(HtmlObjTable) ClassImp(HtmlSummary) ClassImp(SplitGLView) HtmlSummary *SplitGLView::fgHtmlSummary = 0; TGHtml *SplitGLView::fgHtml = 0; //______________________________________________________________________________ TGShapedToolTip::TGShapedToolTip(const char *pname, Int_t cx, Int_t cy, Int_t cw, Int_t ch, Int_t tx, Int_t ty, Int_t th, const char *col) : TGShapedFrame(pname, gClient->GetDefaultRoot(), 400, 300, kTempFrame | kHorizontalFrame), fEc(0), fHist(0) { // Shaped window constructor fTextX = tx; fTextY = ty; fTextH = th; if (col) fTextCol = col; else fTextCol = "0x000000"; // create the embedded canvas if ((cx > 0) && (cy > 0) && (cw > 0) && (ch > 0)) { Int_t lhRight = fWidth-cx-cw; Int_t lhBottom = fHeight-cy-ch; fEc = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas("ec", this, cw, ch, 0); AddFrame(fEc, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, cx, lhRight, cy, lhBottom)); } MapSubwindows(); Resize(); Resize(fBgnd->GetWidth(), fBgnd->GetHeight()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGShapedToolTip::~TGShapedToolTip() { // Destructor. if (fHist) delete fHist; if (fEc) delete fEc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGShapedToolTip::CloseWindow() { // Close shaped window. DeleteWindow(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGShapedToolTip::Refresh() { // Redraw the window with current attributes. const char *str = fText.Data(); char *string = strdup(str); Int_t nlines = 0, size = fTextH; TString fp = gEnv->GetValue("Root.TTFontPath", ""); TString ar = fp + "/arial.ttf"; char *s = strtok((char *)string, "\n"); TImage *img = (TImage*)fImage->Clone("img"); img->DrawText(fTextX, fTextY+(nlines*size), s, size, fTextCol, ar); while ((s = strtok(0, "\n"))) { nlines++; img->DrawText(fTextX, fTextY+(nlines*size), s, size, fTextCol, ar); } img->PaintImage(fId, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "opaque"); free(string); delete img; gVirtualX->Update(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGShapedToolTip::CreateCanvas(Int_t cx, Int_t cy, Int_t cw, Int_t ch) { // create the embedded canvas Int_t lhRight = fWidth-cx-cw; Int_t lhBottom = fHeight-cy-ch; fEc = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas("ec", this, cw, ch, 0); AddFrame(fEc, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, cx, lhRight, cy, lhBottom)); MapSubwindows(); Resize(); Resize(fBgnd->GetWidth(), fBgnd->GetHeight()); if (IsMapped()) { Refresh(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGShapedToolTip::CreateCanvas(Int_t cw, Int_t ch, TGLayoutHints *hints) { // Create the embedded canvas. fEc = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas("ec", this, cw, ch, 0); AddFrame(fEc, hints); MapSubwindows(); Resize(); Resize(fBgnd->GetWidth(), fBgnd->GetHeight()); if (IsMapped()) { Refresh(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGShapedToolTip::SetHisto(TH1 *hist) { // Set which histogram has to be displayed in the embedded canvas. if (hist) { if (fHist) { delete fHist; if (fEc) fEc->GetCanvas()->Clear(); } fHist = (TH1 *)hist->Clone(); if (fEc) { fEc->GetCanvas()->SetBorderMode(0); fEc->GetCanvas()->SetFillColor(10); fEc->GetCanvas()->cd(); fHist->Draw(); fEc->GetCanvas()->Update(); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGShapedToolTip::SetText(const char *text) { // Set which text has to be displayed. if (text) { fText = text; } if (IsMapped()) Refresh(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGShapedToolTip::SetTextColor(const char *col) { // Set text color. fTextCol = col; if (IsMapped()) Refresh(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGShapedToolTip::SetTextAttributes(Int_t tx, Int_t ty, Int_t th, const char *col) { // Set text attributes (position, size and color). fTextX = tx; fTextY = ty; fTextH = th; if (col) fTextCol = col; if (IsMapped()) Refresh(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGShapedToolTip::Show(Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *text, TH1 *hist) { // Show (popup) the shaped window at location x,y and possibly // set the text and histogram to be displayed. Move(x, y); MapWindow(); if (text) SetText(text); if (hist) SetHisto(hist); // end of demo code ------------------------------------------- if (fHist) { fEc->GetCanvas()->SetBorderMode(0); fEc->GetCanvas()->SetFillColor(10); fEc->GetCanvas()->cd(); fHist->Draw(); fEc->GetCanvas()->Update(); } Refresh(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ HtmlObjTable::HtmlObjTable(const char *name, Int_t nfields, Int_t nvals, Bool_t exp) : fName(name), fNValues(nvals), fNFields(nfields), fExpand(exp) { // Constructor. fValues = new TArrayF[fNFields]; for (int i=0;i 0) && (fNValues > 0)) { BuildLabels(); BuildTable(); } fHtml += ""; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void HtmlObjTable::BuildTitle() { // Build table title. fHtml += "", fNFields+1); fHtml += ""; fHtml += ""; fHtml += ""; fHtml += "
"; fHtml += ""; fHtml += fName; fHtml += ""; fHtml += " "; fHtml += ""; fHtml += Form("Size = %d", fNValues); fHtml += "
"; fHtml += ""; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void HtmlObjTable::BuildLabels() { // Build table labels. Int_t i; fHtml += ""; fHtml += " "; // for the check boxes for (i=0;i"; fHtml += "",i); fHtml += ""; for (int j = 0; j < fNFields; j++) { fHtml += "AddFirst(table); else fObjTables->Add(table); return table; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void HtmlSummary::Clear(Option_t *option) { // Clear the table list. if (option && option[0] == 'D') fObjTables->Delete(option); else fObjTables->Clear(option); fNTables = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void HtmlSummary::Reset(Option_t *) { // Reset (delete) the table list; delete fObjTables; fObjTables = 0; fNTables = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void HtmlSummary::Build() { // Build the summary. MakeHeader(); for (int i=0;iBuild(); fHtml += GetTable(i)->Html(); } MakeFooter(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void HtmlSummary::MakeHeader() { // Make HTML header. fHeader = ""; fHeader += fTitle; fHeader += ""; fHeader += "

"; fHeader += fTitle; fHeader += "

"; fHtml = fHeader; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void HtmlSummary::MakeFooter() { // Make HTML footer. fFooter = "

"; fFooter += "Example of using Html widget to display tabular data"; fFooter += "
"; fFooter += "(c) 2007-2010 Bertrand Bellenot"; fFooter += "
"; fHtml += fFooter; } //______________________________________________________________________________ SplitGLView::SplitGLView(const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, Bool_t embed) : TGMainFrame(p, w, h), fActViewer(0), fShapedToolTip(0), fIsEmbedded(embed) { // Main frame constructor. TGSplitFrame *frm; TEveScene *s = 0; TGHorizontalFrame *hfrm; TGDockableFrame *dfrm; TGPictureButton *button; // create the "file" popup menu fMenuFile = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Open...", kFileOpen); fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); fMenuFile->AddEntry( "&Update Summary", kSummaryUpdate); fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Load Config...", kFileLoadConfig); fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Save Config...", kFileSaveConfig); fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); fMenuFile->AddEntry("E&xit", kFileExit); // create the "camera" popup menu fMenuCamera = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fMenuCamera->AddEntry("Perspective (Floor XOZ)", kGLPerspXOZ); fMenuCamera->AddEntry("Perspective (Floor YOZ)", kGLPerspYOZ); fMenuCamera->AddEntry("Perspective (Floor XOY)", kGLPerspXOY); fMenuCamera->AddEntry("Orthographic (XOY)", kGLXOY); fMenuCamera->AddEntry("Orthographic (XOZ)", kGLXOZ); fMenuCamera->AddEntry("Orthographic (ZOY)", kGLZOY); fMenuCamera->AddSeparator(); fMenuCamera->AddEntry("Ortho allow rotate", kGLOrthoRotate); fMenuCamera->AddEntry("Ortho allow dolly", kGLOrthoDolly); fMenuScene = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fMenuScene->AddEntry("&Update Current", kSceneUpdate); fMenuScene->AddEntry("Update &All", kSceneUpdateAll); // create the "help" popup menu fMenuHelp = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fMenuHelp->AddEntry("&About", kHelpAbout); // create the main menu bar fMenuBar = new TGMenuBar(this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&File", fMenuFile, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0)); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&Camera", fMenuCamera, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0)); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&Scene", fMenuScene, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0)); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&Help", fMenuHelp, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight)); AddFrame(fMenuBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX)); // connect menu signals to our menu handler slot fMenuFile->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "SplitGLView", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); fMenuCamera->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "SplitGLView", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); fMenuScene->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "SplitGLView", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); fMenuHelp->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "SplitGLView", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); if (fIsEmbedded && gEve) { // use status bar from the browser fStatusBar = gEve->GetBrowser()->GetStatusBar(); } else { // create the status bar Int_t parts[] = {45, 15, 10, 30}; fStatusBar = new TGStatusBar(this, 50, 10); fStatusBar->SetParts(parts, 4); AddFrame(fStatusBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 10, 0)); } // create eve pad (our geometry container) fPad = new TEvePad(); fPad->SetFillColor(kBlack); // create the split frames fSplitFrame = new TGSplitFrame(this, 800, 600); AddFrame(fSplitFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); // split it once fSplitFrame->HSplit(434); // then split each part again (this will make four parts) fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->VSplit(266); fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->VSplit(266); TGLOverlayButton *but1, *but2, *but3, *but4, *but5, *but6; // get top (main) split frame frm = fSplitFrame->GetFirst(); frm->SetName("Main_View"); // create (embed) a GL viewer inside fViewer0 = new TGLEmbeddedViewer(frm, fPad); but1 = new TGLOverlayButton(fViewer0, "Swap", 10.0, -10.0, 55.0, 16.0); but1->Connect("Clicked(TGLViewerBase*)", "SplitGLView", this, "SwapToMainView(TGLViewerBase*)"); but2 = new TGLOverlayButton(fViewer0, "Undock", 70.0, -10.0, 55.0, 16.0); but2->Connect("Clicked(TGLViewerBase*)", "SplitGLView", this, "UnDock(TGLViewerBase*)"); frm->AddFrame(fViewer0->GetFrame(), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); // set the camera to perspective (XOZ) for this viewer fViewer0->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraPerspXOZ); // connect signal we are interested to fViewer0->Connect("MouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)", "SplitGLView", this, "OnMouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)"); fViewer0->Connect("Activated()", "SplitGLView", this, "OnViewerActivated()"); fViewer0->Connect("MouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)", "SplitGLView", this, "OnMouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)"); fViewer0->Connect("Clicked(TObject*)", "SplitGLView", this, "OnClicked(TObject*)"); fViewer[0] = new TEveViewer("SplitGLViewer[0]"); fViewer[0]->SetGLViewer(fViewer0, fViewer0->GetFrame()); fViewer[0]->IncDenyDestroy(); if (fIsEmbedded && gEve) { fViewer[0]->AddScene(gEve->GetGlobalScene()); fViewer[0]->AddScene(gEve->GetEventScene()); gEve->GetViewers()->AddElement(fViewer[0]); s = gEve->SpawnNewScene("Rho-Z Projection"); // projections fRhoZMgr = new TEveProjectionManager(TEveProjection::kPT_RhoZ); s->AddElement(fRhoZMgr); gEve->AddToListTree(fRhoZMgr, kTRUE); TEveProjectionAxes* a = new TEveProjectionAxes(fRhoZMgr); s->AddElement(a); } // get bottom left split frame frm = fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetFirst(); frm->SetName("Bottom_Left"); // create (embed) a GL viewer inside fViewer1 = new TGLEmbeddedViewer(frm, fPad); but3 = new TGLOverlayButton(fViewer1, "Swap", 10.0, -10.0, 55.0, 16.0); but3->Connect("Clicked(TGLViewerBase*)", "SplitGLView", this, "SwapToMainView(TGLViewerBase*)"); but4 = new TGLOverlayButton(fViewer1, "Undock", 70.0, -10.0, 55.0, 16.0); but4->Connect("Clicked(TGLViewerBase*)", "SplitGLView", this, "UnDock(TGLViewerBase*)"); frm->AddFrame(fViewer1->GetFrame(), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); // set the camera to orthographic (XOY) for this viewer fViewer1->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoXOY); // connect signal we are interested to fViewer1->Connect("MouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)", "SplitGLView", this, "OnMouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)"); fViewer1->Connect("Activated()", "SplitGLView", this, "OnViewerActivated()"); fViewer1->Connect("MouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)", "SplitGLView", this, "OnMouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)"); fViewer1->Connect("Clicked(TObject*)", "SplitGLView", this, "OnClicked(TObject*)"); fViewer[1] = new TEveViewer("SplitGLViewer[1]"); fViewer[1]->SetGLViewer(fViewer1, fViewer1->GetFrame()); fViewer[1]->IncDenyDestroy(); if (fIsEmbedded && gEve) { fRhoZMgr->ImportElements((TEveElement *)gEve->GetGlobalScene()); fRhoZMgr->ImportElements((TEveElement *)gEve->GetEventScene()); fViewer[1]->AddScene(s); gEve->GetViewers()->AddElement(fViewer[1]); gRhoZMgr = fRhoZMgr; s = gEve->SpawnNewScene("R-Phi Projection"); // projections fRPhiMgr = new TEveProjectionManager(TEveProjection::kPT_RPhi); s->AddElement(fRPhiMgr); gEve->AddToListTree(fRPhiMgr, kTRUE); TEveProjectionAxes* a = new TEveProjectionAxes(fRPhiMgr); s->AddElement(a); } // get bottom center split frame frm = fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->GetFirst(); frm->SetName("Bottom_Center"); // create (embed) a GL viewer inside fViewer2 = new TGLEmbeddedViewer(frm, fPad); but5 = new TGLOverlayButton(fViewer2, "Swap", 10.0, -10.0, 55.0, 16.0); but5->Connect("Clicked(TGLViewerBase*)", "SplitGLView", this, "SwapToMainView(TGLViewerBase*)"); but6 = new TGLOverlayButton(fViewer2, "Undock", 70.0, -10.0, 55.0, 16.0); but6->Connect("Clicked(TGLViewerBase*)", "SplitGLView", this, "UnDock(TGLViewerBase*)"); frm->AddFrame(fViewer2->GetFrame(), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); // set the camera to orthographic (XOY) for this viewer fViewer2->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoXOY); // connect signal we are interested to fViewer2->Connect("MouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)", "SplitGLView", this, "OnMouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)"); fViewer2->Connect("Activated()", "SplitGLView", this, "OnViewerActivated()"); fViewer2->Connect("MouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)", "SplitGLView", this, "OnMouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)"); fViewer2->Connect("Clicked(TObject*)", "SplitGLView", this, "OnClicked(TObject*)"); fViewer[2] = new TEveViewer("SplitGLViewer[2]"); fViewer[2]->SetGLViewer(fViewer2, fViewer2->GetFrame()); fViewer[2]->IncDenyDestroy(); if (fIsEmbedded && gEve) { fRPhiMgr->ImportElements((TEveElement *)gEve->GetGlobalScene()); fRPhiMgr->ImportElements((TEveElement *)gEve->GetEventScene()); fViewer[2]->AddScene(s); gEve->GetViewers()->AddElement(fViewer[2]); gRPhiMgr = fRPhiMgr; } // get bottom right split frame frm = fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->GetSecond(); frm->SetName("Bottom_Right"); dfrm = new TGDockableFrame(frm); dfrm->SetFixedSize(kFALSE); dfrm->EnableHide(kFALSE); hfrm = new TGHorizontalFrame(dfrm); button= new TGPictureButton(hfrm, gClient->GetPicture("swap.png")); button->SetToolTipText("Swap to big view"); hfrm->AddFrame(button); button->Connect("Clicked()","SplitGLView",this,"SwapToMainView(TGLViewerBase*=0)"); fgHtmlSummary = new HtmlSummary("Alice Event Display Summary Table"); fgHtml = new TGHtml(hfrm, 100, 100, -1); hfrm->AddFrame(fgHtml, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); dfrm->AddFrame(hfrm, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); frm->AddFrame(dfrm, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); if (fIsEmbedded && gEve) { gEve->GetListTree()->Connect("Clicked(TGListTreeItem*, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t)", "SplitGLView", this, "ItemClicked(TGListTreeItem*, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t)"); } fShapedToolTip = new TGShapedToolTip("Default.png", 120, 22, 160, 110, 23, 115, 12, "#ffff80"); Resize(GetDefaultSize()); MapSubwindows(); MapWindow(); LoadConfig(".everc"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ SplitGLView::~SplitGLView() { // Clean up main frame... //Cleanup(); fMenuFile->Disconnect("Activated(Int_t)", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); fMenuCamera->Disconnect("Activated(Int_t)", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); fMenuScene->Disconnect("Activated(Int_t)", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); fMenuHelp->Disconnect("Activated(Int_t)", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); fViewer0->Disconnect("MouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)", this, "OnMouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)"); fViewer0->Disconnect("Activated()", this, "OnViewerActivated()"); fViewer0->Disconnect("MouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)", this, "OnMouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)"); fViewer1->Disconnect("MouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)", this, "OnMouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)"); fViewer1->Disconnect("Activated()", this, "OnViewerActivated()"); fViewer1->Disconnect("MouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)", this, "OnMouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)"); fViewer2->Disconnect("MouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)", this, "OnMouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*)"); fViewer2->Disconnect("Activated()", this, "OnViewerActivated()"); fViewer2->Disconnect("MouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)", this, "OnMouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t)"); if (!fIsEmbedded) { delete fViewer[0]; delete fViewer[1]; delete fViewer[2]; } delete fShapedToolTip; delete fMenuFile; delete fMenuScene; delete fMenuCamera; delete fMenuHelp; if (!fIsEmbedded) delete fMenuBar; delete fViewer0; delete fViewer1; delete fViewer2; delete fSplitFrame; delete fPad; if (!fIsEmbedded) { delete fStatusBar; gApplication->Terminate(0); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::HandleMenu(Int_t id) { // Handle menu items. static TString rcdir("."); static TString rcfile(".everc"); switch (id) { case kFileOpen: { static TString dir("."); TGFileInfo fi; fi.fFileTypes = filetypes; fi.fIniDir = StrDup(dir); new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), this, kFDOpen, &fi); if (fi.fFilename) OpenFile(fi.fFilename); dir = fi.fIniDir; } break; case kFileLoadConfig: { TGFileInfo fi; fi.fFileTypes = rcfiletypes; fi.fIniDir = StrDup(rcdir); fi.fFilename = StrDup(rcfile); new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), this, kFDOpen, &fi); if (fi.fFilename) { rcfile = fi.fFilename; LoadConfig(fi.fFilename); } rcdir = fi.fIniDir; } break; case kFileSaveConfig: { TGFileInfo fi; fi.fFileTypes = rcfiletypes; fi.fIniDir = StrDup(rcdir); fi.fFilename = StrDup(rcfile); new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), this, kFDSave, &fi); if (fi.fFilename) { rcfile = fi.fFilename; SaveConfig(fi.fFilename); } rcdir = fi.fIniDir; } break; case kFileExit: CloseWindow(); break; case kGLPerspYOZ: if (fActViewer) fActViewer->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraPerspYOZ); break; case kGLPerspXOZ: if (fActViewer) fActViewer->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraPerspXOZ); break; case kGLPerspXOY: if (fActViewer) fActViewer->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraPerspXOY); break; case kGLXOY: if (fActViewer) fActViewer->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoXOY); break; case kGLXOZ: if (fActViewer) fActViewer->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoXOZ); break; case kGLZOY: if (fActViewer) fActViewer->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoZOY); break; case kGLOrthoRotate: ToggleOrthoRotate(); break; case kGLOrthoDolly: ToggleOrthoDolly(); break; case kSceneUpdate: if (fActViewer) fActViewer->UpdateScene(); UpdateSummary(); break; case kSceneUpdateAll: fViewer0->UpdateScene(); fViewer1->UpdateScene(); fViewer2->UpdateScene(); UpdateSummary(); break; case kSummaryUpdate: UpdateSummary(); break; case kHelpAbout: { #ifdef R__UNIX TString rootx; # ifdef ROOTBINDIR rootx = ROOTBINDIR; # else rootx = gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS"); if (!rootx.IsNull()) rootx += "/bin"; # endif rootx += "/root -a &"; gSystem->Exec(rootx); #else #ifdef WIN32 new TWin32SplashThread(kTRUE); #else char str[32]; sprintf(str, "About ROOT %s...", gROOT->GetVersion()); hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, str, 600, 400); hd->SetText(gHelpAbout); hd->Popup(); #endif #endif } break; default: break; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::OnClicked(TObject *obj) { // Handle click events in GL viewer if (obj) fStatusBar->SetText(Form("User clicked on: \"%s\"", obj->GetName()), 1); else fStatusBar->SetText("", 1); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::OnMouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape *shape, UInt_t posx, UInt_t posy) { // Slot used to handle "OnMouseIdle" signal coming from any GL viewer. // We receive a pointer on the physical shape in which the mouse cursor is // and the actual cursor position (x,y) Window_t wtarget; Int_t x = 0, y = 0; static TH1F *h1f = 0; TFormula *form1 = new TFormula("form1","abs(sin(x)/x)"); form1->Update(); // silent warning about unused variable... TF1 *sqroot = new TF1("sqroot","x*gaus(0) + [3]*form1",0,10); sqroot->SetParameters(10,4,1,20); if (h1f == 0) h1f = new TH1F("h1f","",50,0,10); h1f->Reset(); h1f->SetFillColor(45); h1f->SetStats(0); h1f->FillRandom("sqroot",200); if (fShapedToolTip) { fShapedToolTip->UnmapWindow(); } if (shape && shape->GetLogical() && shape->GetLogical()->GetExternal()) { // get the actual viewer who actually emitted the signal TGLEmbeddedViewer *actViewer = dynamic_cast((TQObject*)gTQSender); // then translate coordinates from the root (screen) coordinates // to the actual frame (viewer) ones gVirtualX->TranslateCoordinates(actViewer->GetFrame()->GetId(), gClient->GetDefaultRoot()->GetId(), posx, posy, x, y, wtarget); // Then display our tooltip at this x,y location if (fShapedToolTip) { fShapedToolTip->Show(x+5, y+5, Form("%s\n \n%s", shape->GetLogical()->GetExternal()->IsA()->GetName(), shape->GetLogical()->GetExternal()->GetName()), h1f); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::OnMouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape *shape) { // Slot used to handle "OnMouseOver" signal coming from any GL viewer. // We receive a pointer on the physical shape in which the mouse cursor is. // display information on the physical shape in the status bar if (shape && shape->GetLogical() && shape->GetLogical()->GetExternal()) fStatusBar->SetText(Form("Mouse Over: \"%s\"", shape->GetLogical()->GetExternal()->GetName()), 0); else fStatusBar->SetText("", 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::OnViewerActivated() { // Slot used to handle "Activated" signal coming from any GL viewer. // Used to know which GL viewer is active. static Pixel_t green = 0; // set the actual GL viewer frame to default color if (fActViewer && fActViewer->GetFrame()) fActViewer->GetFrame()->ChangeBackground(GetDefaultFrameBackground()); // change the actual GL viewer to the one who emitted the signal // fActViewer = (TGLEmbeddedViewer *)gTQSender; fActViewer = dynamic_cast((TQObject*)gTQSender); if (fActViewer == 0) { printf ("dyncast failed ...\n"); return; } // get the highlight color (only once) if (green == 0) { gClient->GetColorByName("green", green); } // set the new actual GL viewer frame to highlight color if (fActViewer->GetFrame()) fActViewer->GetFrame()->ChangeBackground(green); // update menu entries to match actual viewer's options if (fActViewer->GetOrthoXOYCamera()->GetDollyToZoom() && fActViewer->GetOrthoXOZCamera()->GetDollyToZoom() && fActViewer->GetOrthoZOYCamera()->GetDollyToZoom()) fMenuCamera->UnCheckEntry(kGLOrthoDolly); else fMenuCamera->CheckEntry(kGLOrthoDolly); if (fActViewer->GetOrthoXOYCamera()->GetEnableRotate() && fActViewer->GetOrthoXOYCamera()->GetEnableRotate() && fActViewer->GetOrthoXOYCamera()->GetEnableRotate()) fMenuCamera->CheckEntry(kGLOrthoRotate); else fMenuCamera->UnCheckEntry(kGLOrthoRotate); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::OpenFile(const char *fname) { // Open a Root file to display a geometry in the GL viewers. TString filename = fname; // check if the file type is correct if (!filename.EndsWith(".root")) { new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), this, "OpenFile", Form("The file \"%s\" is not a root file!", fname), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); return; } // check if the root file contains a geometry if (TGeoManager::Import(fname) == 0) { new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), this, "OpenFile", Form("The file \"%s\" does't contain a geometry", fname), kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk); return; } gGeoManager->DefaultColors(); // delete previous primitives (if any) fPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Delete(); // and add the geometry to eve pad (container) fPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()); // paint the geometry in each GL viewer fViewer0->PadPaint(fPad); fViewer1->PadPaint(fPad); fViewer2->PadPaint(fPad); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::ToggleOrthoRotate() { // Toggle state of the 'Ortho allow rotate' menu entry. if (fMenuCamera->IsEntryChecked(kGLOrthoRotate)) fMenuCamera->UnCheckEntry(kGLOrthoRotate); else fMenuCamera->CheckEntry(kGLOrthoRotate); Bool_t state = fMenuCamera->IsEntryChecked(kGLOrthoRotate); if (fActViewer) { fActViewer->GetOrthoXOYCamera()->SetEnableRotate(state); fActViewer->GetOrthoXOYCamera()->SetEnableRotate(state); fActViewer->GetOrthoXOYCamera()->SetEnableRotate(state); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::ToggleOrthoDolly() { // Toggle state of the 'Ortho allow dolly' menu entry. if (fMenuCamera->IsEntryChecked(kGLOrthoDolly)) fMenuCamera->UnCheckEntry(kGLOrthoDolly); else fMenuCamera->CheckEntry(kGLOrthoDolly); Bool_t state = ! fMenuCamera->IsEntryChecked(kGLOrthoDolly); if (fActViewer) { fActViewer->GetOrthoXOYCamera()->SetDollyToZoom(state); fActViewer->GetOrthoXOZCamera()->SetDollyToZoom(state); fActViewer->GetOrthoZOYCamera()->SetDollyToZoom(state); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::ItemClicked(TGListTreeItem *item, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t) { // Item has been clicked, based on mouse button do: static const TEveException eh("SplitGLView::ItemClicked "); TEveElement* re = (TEveElement*)item->GetUserData(); if(re == 0) return; TObject* obj = re->GetObject(eh); if (obj->InheritsFrom("TEveViewer")) { TGLViewer *v = ((TEveViewer *)obj)->GetGLViewer(); //v->Activated(); if (v->InheritsFrom("TGLEmbeddedViewer")) { TGLEmbeddedViewer *ev = (TGLEmbeddedViewer *)v; gVirtualX->SetInputFocus(ev->GetGLWidget()->GetId()); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::LoadConfig(const char *fname) { Int_t height, width; TEnv *env = new TEnv(fname); Int_t mainheight = env->GetValue("MainView.Height", 434); Int_t blwidth = env->GetValue("Bottom.Left.Width", 266); Int_t bcwidth = env->GetValue("Bottom.Center.Width", 266); Int_t brwidth = env->GetValue("Bottom.Right.Width", 266); Int_t top_height = env->GetValue("Right.Tab.Height", 0); Int_t bottom_height = env->GetValue("Bottom.Tab.Height", 0); if (fIsEmbedded && gEve) { Int_t sel = env->GetValue("Eve.Selection", gEve->GetSelection()->GetPickToSelect()); Int_t hi = env->GetValue("Eve.Highlight", gEve->GetHighlight()->GetPickToSelect()); gEve->GetBrowser()->EveMenu(9+sel); gEve->GetBrowser()->EveMenu(13+hi); width = env->GetValue("Eve.Width", (Int_t)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetWidth()); height = env->GetValue("Eve.Height", (Int_t)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetHeight()); gEve->GetBrowser()->Resize(width, height); } // top (main) split frame width = fSplitFrame->GetFirst()->GetWidth(); fSplitFrame->GetFirst()->Resize(width, mainheight); // bottom left split frame height = fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetFirst()->GetHeight(); fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetFirst()->Resize(blwidth, height); // bottom center split frame height = fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->GetFirst()->GetHeight(); fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->GetFirst()->Resize(bcwidth, height); // bottom right split frame height = fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->GetHeight(); fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->Resize(brwidth, height); fSplitFrame->Layout(); if (fIsEmbedded && gEve) { width = ((TGCompositeFrame *)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTabBottom()->GetParent())->GetWidth(); ((TGCompositeFrame *)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTabBottom()->GetParent())->Resize(width, bottom_height); width = ((TGCompositeFrame *)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTabRight()->GetParent())->GetWidth(); ((TGCompositeFrame *)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTabRight()->GetParent())->Resize(width, top_height); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::SaveConfig(const char *fname) { Int_t bottom_height = 0; Int_t top_height = 0; TGSplitFrame *frm; TEnv *env = new TEnv(fname); if (fIsEmbedded && gEve) { env->SetValue("Eve.Width", (Int_t)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetWidth()); env->SetValue("Eve.Height", (Int_t)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetHeight()); } // get top (main) split frame frm = fSplitFrame->GetFirst(); env->SetValue("MainView.Height", (Int_t)frm->GetHeight()); // get bottom left split frame frm = fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetFirst(); env->SetValue("Bottom.Left.Width", (Int_t)frm->GetWidth()); // get bottom center split frame frm = fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->GetFirst(); env->SetValue("Bottom.Center.Width", (Int_t)frm->GetWidth()); // get bottom right split frame frm = fSplitFrame->GetSecond()->GetSecond()->GetSecond(); env->SetValue("Bottom.Right.Width", (Int_t)frm->GetWidth()); if (fIsEmbedded && gEve) { top_height = (Int_t)((TGCompositeFrame *)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTabRight()->GetParent())->GetHeight(); env->SetValue("Right.Tab.Height", top_height); bottom_height = (Int_t)((TGCompositeFrame *)gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTabBottom()->GetParent())->GetHeight(); env->SetValue("Bottom.Tab.Height", bottom_height); env->SetValue("Eve.Selection", gEve->GetSelection()->GetPickToSelect()); env->SetValue("Eve.Highlight", gEve->GetHighlight()->GetPickToSelect()); } env->SaveLevel(kEnvLocal); #ifdef R__WIN32 if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(Form("%s.new", fname))) { gSystem->Exec(Form("del %s", fname)); gSystem->Rename(Form("%s.new", fname), fname); } #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::SwapToMainView(TGLViewerBase *viewer) { // Swap frame embedded in a splitframe to the main view (slot method). TGCompositeFrame *parent = 0; if (!fSplitFrame->GetFirst()->GetFrame()) return; if (viewer == 0) { TGPictureButton *src = (TGPictureButton*)gTQSender; parent = (TGCompositeFrame *)src->GetParent(); while (parent && !parent->InheritsFrom("TGSplitFrame")) { parent = (TGCompositeFrame *)parent->GetParent(); } } else { TGCompositeFrame *src = ((TGLEmbeddedViewer *)viewer)->GetFrame(); if (!src) return; TGLOverlayButton *but = (TGLOverlayButton *)((TQObject *)gTQSender); but->ResetState(); parent = (TGCompositeFrame *)src->GetParent(); } if (parent && parent->InheritsFrom("TGSplitFrame")) ((TGSplitFrame *)parent)->SwitchToMain(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::UnDock(TGLViewerBase *viewer) { // Undock frame embedded in a splitframe (slot method). TGCompositeFrame *src = ((TGLEmbeddedViewer *)viewer)->GetFrame(); if (!src) return; TGLOverlayButton *but = (TGLOverlayButton *)((TQObject *)gTQSender); but->ResetState(); TGCompositeFrame *parent = (TGCompositeFrame *)src->GetParent(); if (parent && parent->InheritsFrom("TGSplitFrame")) ((TGSplitFrame *)parent)->ExtractFrame(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void SplitGLView::UpdateSummary() { // Update summary of current event. TEveElement::List_i i; TEveElement::List_i j; Int_t k; TEveElement *el; HtmlObjTable *table; TEveEventManager *mgr = gEve ? gEve->GetCurrentEvent() : 0; if (mgr) { fgHtmlSummary->Clear("D"); for (i=mgr->BeginChildren(); i!=mgr->EndChildren(); ++i) { el = ((TEveElement*)(*i)); if (el->IsA() == TEvePointSet::Class()) { TEvePointSet *ps = (TEvePointSet *)el; TString ename = ps->GetElementName(); TString etitle = ps->GetElementTitle(); if (ename.First('\'') != kNPOS) ename.Remove(ename.First('\'')); etitle.Remove(0, 2); Int_t nel = atoi(etitle.Data()); table = fgHtmlSummary->AddTable(ename, 0, nel); } else if (el->IsA() == TEveTrackList::Class()) { TEveTrackList *tracks = (TEveTrackList *)el; TString ename = tracks->GetElementName(); if (ename.First('\'') != kNPOS) ename.Remove(ename.First('\'')); table = fgHtmlSummary->AddTable(ename.Data(), 5, tracks->NumChildren(), kTRUE, "first"); table->SetLabel(0, "Momentum"); table->SetLabel(1, "P_t"); table->SetLabel(2, "Phi"); table->SetLabel(3, "Theta"); table->SetLabel(4, "Eta"); k=0; for (j=tracks->BeginChildren(); j!=tracks->EndChildren(); ++j) { Float_t p = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Mag(); table->SetValue(0, k, p); Float_t pt = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Perp(); table->SetValue(1, k, pt); Float_t phi = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Phi(); table->SetValue(2, k, phi); Float_t theta = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Theta(); table->SetValue(3, k, theta); Float_t eta = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Eta(); table->SetValue(4, k, eta); ++k; } } } fgHtmlSummary->Build(); fgHtml->Clear(); fgHtml->ParseText((char*)fgHtmlSummary->Html().Data()); fgHtml->Layout(); } } // Linkdef #ifdef __CINT__ #pragma link C++ class SplitGLView; #endif #ifdef __CINT__ void SplitGLView() { printf("This script is used via ACLiC by the macro \"alice_esd_split.C\"\n"); printf("To see it in action, just run \".x alice_esd_split.C\"\n"); return; } #endif