// Author: David Gonzalez Maline // Based on Olivier's $ROOTSYS/tutorials/graphcs/graph_edit_playback.C // This file will test all the transient frames (aka Dialog windows) // displayed in the fitpanel, as the rest of the functionality is // tried automatically with the UnitTest.C unit. // This implies trying the Set Parameters dialog and the Advanced one. // At every operation, a png file will be saved. These files will be // later on compared with some references values, to have an stimation // of the goodness of the test. #include "TSystem.h" #include "TSystemFile.h" #include "TRecorder.h" #include "Riostream.h" Int_t file_size(char *filename) { FileStat_t fs; gSystem->GetPathInfo(filename, fs); return (Int_t)fs.fSize; } void fitpanel_playback() { r = new TRecorder(); r->Replay("http://root.cern.ch/files/fitpanel_playback.root"); // wait for the recorder to finish the replay while (r->GetState() == TRecorder::kReplaying) { gSystem->ProcessEvents(); gSystem->Sleep(1); } Int_t Step_Err = 100; Int_t Step1_Ref = 15691; Int_t Step2_Ref = 15691; Int_t Step3_Ref = 17632; Int_t Step4_Ref = 12305; Int_t Step5_Ref = 11668; Int_t Step1_Size = file_size("Step1.png"); Int_t Step2_Size = file_size("Step2.png"); Int_t Step3_Size = file_size("Step3.png"); Int_t Step4_Size = file_size("Step4.png"); Int_t Step5_Size = file_size("Step5.png"); cout << "**********************************************************************" <