void feynman() { //Draw Feynman diagrams // To see the output of this macro, click begin_html here. end_html //Author: Otto Schaile TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "A canvas", 10,10, 600, 300); c1->Range(0, 0, 140, 60); Int_t linsav = gStyle->GetLineWidth(); gStyle->SetLineWidth(3); TLatex t; t.SetTextAlign(22); t.SetTextSize(0.1); TLine * l; l = new TLine(10, 10, 30, 30); l->Draw(); l = new TLine(10, 50, 30, 30); l->Draw(); TCurlyArc *ginit = new TCurlyArc(30, 30, 12.5*sqrt(2), 135, 225); ginit->SetWavy(); ginit->Draw(); t.DrawLatex(7,6,"e^{-}"); t.DrawLatex(7,55,"e^{+}"); t.DrawLatex(7,30,"#gamma"); TCurlyLine *gamma = new TCurlyLine(30, 30, 55, 30); gamma->SetWavy(); gamma->Draw(); t.DrawLatex(42.5,37.7,"#gamma"); TArc *a = new TArc(70, 30, 15); a->Draw(); t.DrawLatex(55, 45,"#bar{q}"); t.DrawLatex(85, 15,"q"); TCurlyLine *gluon = new TCurlyLine(70, 45, 70, 15); gluon->Draw(); t.DrawLatex(77.5,30,"g"); TCurlyLine *z0 = new TCurlyLine(85, 30, 110, 30); z0->SetWavy(); z0->Draw(); t.DrawLatex(100, 37.5,"Z^{0}"); l = new TLine(110, 30, 130, 10); l->Draw(); l = new TLine(110, 30, 130, 50); l->Draw(); TCurlyArc *gluon1 = new TCurlyArc(110, 30, 12.5*sqrt(2), 315, 45); gluon1->Draw(); t.DrawLatex(135,6,"#bar{q}"); t.DrawLatex(135,55,"q"); t.DrawLatex(135,30,"g"); c1->Update(); gStyle->SetLineWidth(linsav); }