TFile *f; void testMergeCont() { // Macro to test merging of containers. gROOT->LoadMacro("$ROOTSYS/tutorials/hsimple.C"); TList *list = GetCollection(); TList *inputs = new TList(); for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) { inputs->AddAt(GetCollection(),0); list->Merge(inputs); inputs->Delete(); f->Close(); } delete inputs; TH1F *hpx = (TH1F*)(((TList*)list->At(1))->At(0)); printf("============================================\n"); printf("Total hpx: %d entries\n", hpx->GetEntries()); hpx->Draw(); list->Delete(); delete list; } TSeqCollection *GetCollection() { TObject *obj; f = hsimple(1); gROOT->cd(); TList *l0 = new TList(); TList *l01 = new TList(); TH1 *hpx = (TH1*)f->Get("hpx"); printf("Adding hpx: %d entries\n", hpx->GetEntries()); l01->Add(hpx); TH1 *hpxpy = (TH1*)f->Get("hpxpy"); l01->Add(hpxpy); TH1 *hprof = (TH1*)f->Get("hprof"); l0->Add(hprof); l0->Add(l01); return l0; }