// Example macro showing some major probability density functions in ROOT. // The macro shows four of them with // respect to their two variables. In order to run the macro type: // // root [0] .x mathcoreStatFunc.C // // Author: Andras Zsenei #include "TF2.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TCanvas.h" void mathcoreStatFunc() { gSystem->Load("libMathCore"); TF2 *f1a = new TF2("f1a","ROOT::Math::cauchy_pdf(x, y)",0,10,0,10); TF2 *f2a = new TF2("f2a","ROOT::Math::chisquared_pdf(x,y)",0,20, 0,20); TF2 *f3a = new TF2("f3a","ROOT::Math::gaussian_pdf(x,y)",0,10,0,5); TF2 *f4a = new TF2("f4a","ROOT::Math::tdistribution_pdf(x,y)",0,10,0,5); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",1000,750); c1->Divide(2,2); c1->cd(1); f1a->Draw("surf1"); c1->cd(2); f2a->Draw("surf1"); c1->cd(3); f3a->Draw("surf1"); c1->cd(4); f4a->Draw("surf1"); }