//Author: Eddy Offermann // This macro shows several ways to perform a linear least-squares // analysis . To keep things simple we fit a straight line to 4 // data points // The first 4 methods use the linear algebra package to find // x such that min (A x - b)^T (A x - b) where A and b // are calculated with the data points and the functional expression : // // 1. Normal equations: // Expanding the expression (A x - b)^T (A x - b) and taking the // derivative wrt x leads to the "Normal Equations": // A^T A x = A^T b where A^T A is a positive definite matrix. Therefore, // a Cholesky decomposition scheme can be used to calculate its inverse . // This leads to the solution x = (A^T A)^-1 A^T b . All this is done in // routine NormalEqn . We made it a bit more complicated by giving the // data weights . // Numerically this is not the best way to proceed because effctively the // condition number of A^T A is twice as large as that of A, making inversion // more difficult // // 2. SVD // One can show that solving A x = b for x with A of size (m x n) and m > n // through a Singular Value Decomposition is equivalent to miminizing // (A x - b)^T (A x - b) // Numerically , this is the most stable method of all 5 // // 3. Pseudo Inverse // Here we calulate the generalized matrix inverse ("pseudo inverse") by // solving A X = Unit for matrix X through an SVD . The formal expression for // is X = (A^T A)^-1 A^T . Then we multiply it by b . // Numerically, not as good as 2 and not as fast . In general it is not a // good idea to solve a set of linear equations with a matrix inversion . // // 4. Pseudo Inverse , brute force // The pseudo inverse is calculated brute force through a series of matrix // manipulations . It shows nicely some operations in the matrix package, // but is otherwise a big "no no" . // // 5. Least-squares analysis with Minuit // An objective function L is minimized by Minuit, where // L = sum_i { (y - c_0 -c_1 * x / e)^2 } // Minuit will calculate numerically the derivative of L wrt c_0 and c_1 . // It has not been told that these derivatives are linear in the parameters // c_0 and c_1 . // For ill-conditioned linear problems it is better to use the fact it is // a linear fit as in 2 . // // Another interesting thing is the way we assign data to the vectors and // matrices through adoption . // This allows data assignment without physically moving bytes around . // // USAGE // ----- // This macro can be execued via CINT or via ACLIC // - via CINT, do // root > .x solveLinear.C // - via ACLIC // root > gSystem->Load("libMatrix"); // root > gSystem->Load("libGpad"); // root > .x solveLinear.C+ // #ifndef __CINT__ #include "Riostream.h" #include "TMatrixD.h" #include "TVectorD.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TDecompChol.h" #include "TDecompSVD.h" #include "TF1.h" #endif void solveLinear(Double_t eps = 1.e-12) { #ifdef __CINT__ gSystem->Load("libMatrix"); #endif cout << "Perform the fit y = c0 + c1 * x in four different ways" << endl; const Int_t nrVar = 2; const Int_t nrPnts = 4; Double_t ax[] = {0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0}; Double_t ay[] = {1.4,1.5,3.7,4.1}; Double_t ae[] = {0.5,0.2,1.0,0.5}; // Make the vectors 'Use" the data : they are not copied, the vector data // pointer is just set appropriately TVectorD x; x.Use(nrPnts,ax); TVectorD y; y.Use(nrPnts,ay); TVectorD e; e.Use(nrPnts,ae); TMatrixD A(nrPnts,nrVar); TMatrixDColumn(A,0) = 1.0; TMatrixDColumn(A,1) = x; cout << " - 1. solve through Normal Equations" << endl; const TVectorD c_norm = NormalEqn(A,y,e); cout << " - 2. solve through SVD" << endl; // numerically preferred method // first bring the weights in place TMatrixD Aw = A; TVectorD yw = y; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < A.GetNrows(); irow++) { TMatrixDRow(Aw,irow) *= 1/e(irow); yw(irow) /= e(irow); } TDecompSVD svd(Aw); Bool_t ok; const TVectorD c_svd = svd.Solve(yw,ok); cout << " - 3. solve with pseudo inverse" << endl; const TMatrixD pseudo1 = svd.Invert(); TVectorD c_pseudo1 = yw; c_pseudo1 *= pseudo1; cout << " - 4. solve with pseudo inverse, calculated brute force" << endl; TMatrixDSym AtA(TMatrixDSym::kAtA,Aw); const TMatrixD pseudo2 = AtA.Invert() * Aw.T(); TVectorD c_pseudo2 = yw; c_pseudo2 *= pseudo2; cout << " - 5. Minuit through TGraph" << endl; TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(nrPnts,ax,ay,0,ae); TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","pol1",0,5); gr->Fit("f1","Q"); TVectorD c_graph(nrVar); c_graph(0) = f1->GetParameter(0); c_graph(1) = f1->GetParameter(1); // Check that all 4 answers are identical within a certain // tolerance . The 1e-12 is somewhat arbitrary . It turns out that // the TGraph fit is different by a few times 1e-13. Bool_t same = kTRUE; same &= VerifyVectorIdentity(c_norm,c_svd,0,eps); same &= VerifyVectorIdentity(c_norm,c_pseudo1,0,eps); same &= VerifyVectorIdentity(c_norm,c_pseudo2,0,eps); same &= VerifyVectorIdentity(c_norm,c_graph,0,eps); if (same) cout << " All solutions are the same within tolerance of " << eps << endl; else cout << " Some solutions differ more than the allowed tolerance of " << eps << endl; }