import sys from ROOT import gRandom, gPad, gROOT, gVirtualX from ROOT import kTRUE, kRed from ROOT import TCanvas, TH2, TH2F, Double class DynamicExec: """Example of function called when a mouse event occurs in a pad. When moving the mouse in the canvas, a second canvas shows the projection along X of the bin corresponding to the Y position of the mouse. The resulting histogram is fitted with a gaussian. A "dynamic" line shows the current bin position in Y. This more elaborated example can be used as a starting point to develop more powerful interactive applications exploiting CINT as a development engine. Note that a class is used to hold on to the canvas that display the selected slice. Original author: Rene Brun Modified and pythonized: Johann Cohen-Tanugi, Wim Lavrijsen""" def __init__( self ): self._cX = None self._cY = None self._old = None def __call__( self ): h = gPad.GetSelected(); if not h: return if not isinstance( h, TH2 ): return gPad.GetCanvas().FeedbackMode( kTRUE ) # erase old position and draw a line at current position px = gPad.GetEventX() py = gPad.GetEventY() uxmin, uxmax = gPad.GetUxmin(), gPad.GetUxmax() uymin, uymax = gPad.GetUymin(), gPad.GetUymax() pxmin, pxmax = gPad.XtoAbsPixel( uxmin ), gPad.XtoAbsPixel( uxmax ) pymin, pymax = gPad.YtoAbsPixel( uymin ), gPad.YtoAbsPixel( uymax ) if self._old != None: gVirtualX.DrawLine( pxmin, self._old[1], pxmax, self._old[1] ) gVirtualX.DrawLine( self._old[0], pymin, self._old[0], pymax ) gVirtualX.DrawLine( pxmin, py, pxmax, py ) gVirtualX.DrawLine( px, pymin, px, pymax ) self._old = px, py upx = gPad.AbsPixeltoX( px ) x = gPad.PadtoX( upx ) upy = gPad.AbsPixeltoY( py ) y = gPad.PadtoY( upy ) padsav = gPad # create or set the display canvases if not self._cX: self._cX = TCanvas( 'c2', 'Projection Canvas in X', 730, 10, 700, 500 ) else: self._DestroyPrimitive( 'X' ) if not self._cY: self._cY = TCanvas( 'c3', 'Projection Canvas in Y', 10, 550, 700, 500 ) else: self._DestroyPrimitive( 'Y' ) self.DrawSlice( h, y, 'Y' ) self.DrawSlice( h, x, 'X' ) def _DestroyPrimitive( self, xy ): proj = getattr( self, '_c'+xy ).GetPrimitive( 'Projection '+xy ) if proj: proj.IsA().Destructor( proj ) def DrawSlice( self, histo, value, xy ): yx = xy == 'X' and 'Y' or 'X' # draw slice corresponding to mouse position canvas = getattr( self, '_c'+xy ) canvas.SetGrid() bin = getattr( histo, 'Get%saxis' % xy )().FindBin( value ) hp = getattr( histo, 'Projection' + yx )( '', bin, bin ) hp.SetFillColor( 38 ) hp.SetName( 'Projection ' + xy ) hp.SetTitle( xy + 'Projection of bin=%d' % bin ) hp.Fit( 'gaus', 'ql' ) hp.GetFunction( 'gaus' ).SetLineColor( kRed ) hp.GetFunction( 'gaus' ).SetLineWidth( 6 ) canvas.Update() if __name__ == '__main__': # create a new canvas. c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'Dynamic Slice Example', 10, 10, 700, 500 ) c1.SetFillColor( 42 ) c1.SetFrameFillColor( 33 ) # create a 2-d histogram, fill and draw it hpxpy = TH2F( 'hpxpy', 'py vs px', 40, -4, 4, 40, -4, 4 ) hpxpy.SetStats( 0 ) x, y = Double( 0.1 ), Double( 0.101 ) for i in xrange( 50000 ): gRandom.Rannor( x, y ) hpxpy.Fill( x, y ) hpxpy.Draw( 'COL' ) # Add a TExec object to the canvas (explicit use of __main__ is for IPython) import __main__ __main__.slicer = DynamicExec() c1.AddExec( 'dynamic', 'TPython::Exec( "slicer()" );' ) c1.Update()