#to run this demo, do # on Unix: ruby -r../lib/libRuby demo.rb # on Windows: ruby -r../bin/libRuby demo.rb # This macro generates a Controlbar menu: To see the # output, click begin_html here end_html # To execute an item, click with the left mouse button. # To see the HELP of a button, click on the right mouse button. gROOT.Reset gStyle.SetScreenFactor(1) # if you have a large screen, select 1.2 or 1.4 bar = TControlBar.new("vertical", "Demos") bar.AddButton("Help on Demos", 'TRuby::Exec("load \'demoshelp.rb\'");', 'Click Here For Help on Running the Demos' ) bar.AddButton('browser', 'TRuby::Exec("b = TBrowser.new");', 'Start the ROOT browser' ) bar.AddButton('framework', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'framework.rb\'");', 'An Example of Object Oriented User Interface' ) bar.AddButton('canvas', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'canvas.rb\'");', 'A simple plot example') bar.AddButton('surfaces', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'surfaces.rb\'");', 'Plotting 2D functions') bar.AddButton('fillrandom', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'fillrandom.rb\'");', 'Filling a histogram with random numbers') bar.AddButton('hsimple', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'hsimple.rb\'");', 'Creating histograms/Ntuples on file') bar.AddButton('hksimple', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'hksimple.rb\'");', 'Utilizing the TH1K functionality') bar.AddButton('multigraph', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'multigraph.rb\'");', 'Using multiple graphs') bar.AddButton('hsum', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'hsum.rb\'");', 'Filling Histograms and Some Graphics Options') bar.AddButton('hstack', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'hstack.rb\'");', 'Using stacked histograms') bar.AddButton('ntuple1', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'ntuple1.rb\'");', 'Using ntuples') bar.AddButton('tornado', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'tornado.rb\'");', 'Examples of 3-D PolyMarkers') bar.AddButton('latex', 'TRuby::Exec("load \'latex.rb\'");', 'Creating LaTeX documents') bar.AddButton('Quit', 'exit(1);', 'Filling Histograms and Some Graphics Options') bar.Show gROOT.SaveContext gApplication.Run