// Example macro to show unuran capabilities // The results are compared with what is obtained using TRandom or TF1::GetRandom // The macro is divided in 3 parts: // - testStringAPI : show how to use string API of UNURAN to generate Gaussian random numbers // - testDistr1D : show how to pass a 1D distribution object to UNURAN to generate numbers // according to the given distribution object // - testDistrMultiDIm : show how to pass a multidimensional distribution object to UNURAN // // // To execute the macro type in: // // root[0]: gSystem->Load("libMathCore"); // root[0]: gSystem->Load("libUnuran"); // root[0]: .x unuranDemo.C+ // //Author: Lorenzo Moneta #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TUnuran.h" #include "TUnuranContDist.h" #include "TUnuranMultiContDist.h" #include "TUnuranDiscrDist.h" #include "TUnuranEmpDist.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH3.h" #include "TF3.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TRandom2.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #ifndef __CINT__ // need to exclude to avoid CINT re-defining them #include "Math/ProbFunc.h" #include "Math/DistFunc.h" #endif #include #include using std::cout; using std::endl; // number of distribution generated points #define NGEN 1000000 int izone = 0; TCanvas * c1 = 0; // test using UNURAN string interface void testStringAPI() { TH1D * h1 = new TH1D("h1G","gaussian distribution from Unuran",100,-10,10); TH1D * h2 = new TH1D("h2G","gaussian distribution from TRandom",100,-10,10); cout << "\nTest using UNURAN string API \n\n"; TUnuran unr; if (! unr.Init( "normal()", "method=arou") ) { cout << "Error initializing unuran" << endl; return; } int n = NGEN; TStopwatch w; w.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = unr.Sample(); h1->Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); cout << "Time using Unuran method " << unr.MethodName() << "\t=\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; // use TRandom::Gaus w.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = gRandom->Gaus(0,1); h2->Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); cout << "Time using TRandom::Gaus \t=\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; assert(c1 != 0); c1->cd(++izone); h1->Draw(); c1->cd(++izone); h2->Draw(); } double distr(double *x, double *p) { return ROOT::Math::breitwigner_pdf(x[0],p[0],p[1]); } double cdf(double *x, double *p) { return ROOT::Math::breitwigner_cdf(x[0],p[0],p[1]); } // test of unuran passing as input a distribution object( a BreitWigner) distribution void testDistr1D() { cout << "\nTest 1D Continous distributions\n\n"; TH1D * h1 = new TH1D("h1BW","Breit-Wigner distribution from Unuran",100,-10,10); TH1D * h2 = new TH1D("h2BW","Breit-Wigner distribution from GetRandom",100,-10,10); TF1 * f = new TF1("distrFunc",distr,-10,10,2); double par[2] = {1,0}; // values are gamma and mean f->SetParameters(par); TF1 * fc = new TF1("cdfFunc",cdf,-10,10,2); fc->SetParameters(par); // create Unuran 1D distribution object TUnuranContDist dist(f); // to use a different random number engine do: TRandom2 * random = new TRandom2(); int logLevel = 2; TUnuran unr(random,logLevel); // select unuran method for generating the random numbers std::string method = "tdr"; //std::string method = "method=auto"; // "method=hinv" // set the cdf for some methods like hinv that requires it // dist.SetCdf(fc); //cout << "unuran method is " << method << endl; if (!unr.Init(dist,method) ) { cout << "Error initializing unuran" << endl; return; } TStopwatch w; w.Start(); int n = NGEN; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = unr.Sample(); h1->Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); cout << "Time using Unuran method " << unr.MethodName() << "\t=\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; w.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = f->GetRandom(); h2->Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); cout << "Time using TF1::GetRandom() \t=\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; c1->cd(++izone); h1->Draw(); c1->cd(++izone); h2->Draw(); std::cout << " chi2 test of UNURAN vs GetRandom generated histograms: " << std::endl; h1->Chi2Test(h2,"UUP"); } // 3D gaussian distribution double gaus3d(double *x, double *p) { double sigma_x = p[0]; double sigma_y = p[1]; double sigma_z = p[2]; double rho = p[2]; double u = x[0] / sigma_x ; double v = x[1] / sigma_y ; double w = x[2] / sigma_z ; double c = 1 - rho*rho ; double result = (1 / (2 * TMath::Pi() * sigma_x * sigma_y * sigma_z * sqrt(c))) * exp (-(u * u - 2 * rho * u * v + v * v + w*w) / (2 * c)); return result; } // test of unuran passing as input a mluti-dimension distribution object void testDistrMultiDim() { cout << "\nTest Multidimensional distributions\n\n"; TH3D * h1 = new TH3D("h13D","gaussian 3D distribution from Unuran",50,-10,10,50,-10,10,50,-10,10); TH3D * h2 = new TH3D("h23D","gaussian 3D distribution from GetRandom",50,-10,10,50,-10,10,50,-10,10); TF3 * f = new TF3("g3d",gaus3d,-10,10,-10,10,-10,10,3); double par[3] = {2,2,0.5}; f->SetParameters(par); TUnuranMultiContDist dist(f); TUnuran unr(gRandom); //std::string method = "method=vnrou"; //std::string method = "method=hitro;use_boundingrectangle=false "; std::string method = "hitro"; if ( ! unr.Init(dist,method) ) { cout << "Error initializing unuran" << endl; return; } TStopwatch w; w.Start(); double x[3]; for (int i = 0; i < NGEN; ++i) { unr.SampleMulti(x); h1->Fill(x[0],x[1],x[2]); } w.Stop(); cout << "Time using Unuran method " << unr.MethodName() << "\t=\t\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; assert(c1 != 0); c1->cd(++izone); h1->Draw(); // need to set a reasanable number of points in TF1 to get accettable quality from GetRandom to int np = 200; f->SetNpx(np); f->SetNpy(np); f->SetNpz(np); w.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < NGEN; ++i) { f->GetRandom3(x[0],x[1],x[2]); h2->Fill(x[0],x[1],x[2]); } w.Stop(); cout << "Time using TF1::GetRandom \t\t=\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; c1->cd(++izone); h2->Draw(); std::cout << " chi2 test of UNURAN vs GetRandom generated histograms: " << std::endl; h1->Chi2Test(h2,"UUP"); } //_____________________________________________ // // example of discrete distributions double poisson(double * x, double * p) { return ROOT::Math::poisson_pdf(int(x[0]),p[0]); } void testDiscDistr() { cout << "\nTest Discrete distributions\n\n"; TH1D * h1 = new TH1D("h1PS","Unuran Poisson prob",20,0,20); TH1D * h2 = new TH1D("h2PS","Poisson dist from TRandom",20,0,20); double mu = 5; TF1 * f = new TF1("fps",poisson,1,0,1); f->SetParameter(0,mu); TUnuranDiscrDist dist2 = TUnuranDiscrDist(f); TUnuran unr; // dari method (needs also the mode and pmf sum) dist2.SetMode(int(mu) ); dist2.SetProbSum(1.0); bool ret = unr.Init(dist2,"dari"); if (!ret) return; TStopwatch w; w.Start(); int n = NGEN; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int k = unr.SampleDiscr(); h1->Fill( double(k) ); } w.Stop(); cout << "Time using Unuran method " << unr.MethodName() << "\t=\t\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; w.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { h2->Fill( gRandom->Poisson(mu) ); } cout << "Time using TRandom::Poisson " << "\t=\t\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; c1->cd(++izone); h1->SetMarkerStyle(20); h1->Draw("E"); h2->Draw("same"); std::cout << " chi2 test of UNURAN vs TRandom generated histograms: " << std::endl; h1->Chi2Test(h2,"UUP"); } //_____________________________________________ // // example of empirical distributions void testEmpDistr() { cout << "\nTest Empirical distributions using smoothing\n\n"; // start with a set of data // for example 1000 two-gaussian data const int Ndata = 1000; double x[Ndata]; for (int i = 0; i < Ndata; ++i) { if (i < 0.5*Ndata ) x[i] = gRandom->Gaus(-1.,1.); else x[i] = gRandom->Gaus(1.,3.); } TH1D * h0 = new TH1D("h0Ref","Starting data",100,-10,10); TH1D * h1 = new TH1D("h1Unr","Unuran unbin Generated data",100,-10,10); TH1D * h1b = new TH1D("h1bUnr","Unuran bin Generated data",100,-10,10); TH1D * h2 = new TH1D("h2GR","Data from TH1::GetRandom",100,-10,10); h0->FillN(Ndata,x,0,1); // fill histogram with starting data TUnuran unr; TUnuranEmpDist dist(x,x+Ndata,1); TStopwatch w; int n = NGEN; w.Start(); if (!unr.Init(dist)) return; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { h1->Fill( unr.Sample() ); } w.Stop(); cout << "Time using Unuran unbin " << unr.MethodName() << "\t=\t\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; TUnuranEmpDist binDist(h0); w.Start(); if (!unr.Init(binDist)) return; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { h1b->Fill( unr.Sample() ); } w.Stop(); cout << "Time using Unuran bin " << unr.MethodName() << "\t=\t\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; w.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { h2->Fill( h0->GetRandom() ); } cout << "Time using TH1::GetRandom " << "\t=\t\t " << w.CpuTime() << endl; c1->cd(++izone); h2->Draw(); h1->SetLineColor(kRed); h1->Draw("same"); h1b->SetLineColor(kBlue); h1b->Draw("same"); } void unuranDemo() { //gRandom->SetSeed(0); // load libraries gSystem->Load("libMathCore"); gSystem->Load("libUnuran"); // create canvas c1 = new TCanvas("c1_unuranMulti","Multidimensional distribution",10,10,1000,1000); c1->Divide(2,4); gStyle->SetOptFit(); testStringAPI(); c1->Update(); testDistr1D(); c1->Update(); testDistrMultiDim(); c1->Update(); testDiscDistr(); c1->Update(); testEmpDistr(); c1->Update(); }