Sunday, April 27, 2003 1:02 PM
- Sunday, April
27. Remember that we have these extra lectures
on the development of the Standard Model. Monday, same time,
same place. Tuesday, 10AM, same place. No charge. Bring a friend.
- Sunday, April
27. Problem set #3 had some typos. The Assignments
link leads to the revised version.
- Monday, April
21. Problem set #3 is up. Note that there are
some optional problems. Think of it as your final exam.
Old announcements will be archived here.
- Monday, April
21. Scanned lecture notes up.
April 21. um, just realized this...I was too
enthusiastic when I wiped out a line from problem set #2.
I presume you figured it out, but for completeness...here's
the missing bit, the, definition of eta:
and...in the second part (jeese),
u^{\pm}, obviously..not just u^{+}:

- Monday, April
21. Calendar is up to date. It turns out that
we cannot do Wednesday next week. As we discussed on Friday,
it appears that Tuesday after 10 is okay, so that's what I've
arranged. So, our Standard Model classes will be on Monday at
our regular time and Tuesday at 10AM...in our regular room.
- Wednesday,
April 16. Fixed problem set in homework. You
can have another week to finish if you want.
- Wednesday,
April 16. Calendar is up to date. Notice that
there will be another problem set due during finals week. Notice
also that we can have these extra lectures at our regular time,
regular room on M and W of finals week. Remember, these will
be specifically on the Standard Model (SM), in particular drawing
on the language and tools of the mean field description of second
order phase transitions which forms the basis of the SM. It'll
be fun.
- Tuesday,
April 1. New problem set and notes on helicity
and chirality up in 'assignments.'
- Wednesday,
March 19. More lecture notes are up in 'NOTES'.
- Wednesday,
March 19. Calendar is up to date.
- Sunday, March
16. Many lecture notes are up in 'NOTES'.
- Sunday, March
16. Calendar is updated.
- Sunday, March 2. Calendar
is updated.
- Sunday, February
16. Calendar is updated to count the algebraic
sum of lectures owed you and for homework due date. Note, I
predicted that I would be in town all of this week...but I lied.
I must return to Fermilab Wednesday night for the rest of the
week. Calendar predicts next makeup opportunity. Sorry. I'll
explain Monday...we're currently rediscovering the top quark.
- Sunday, February
16. Problem set #1is up as a pdf document. Go
to ASSIGNMENTS (left).
- Monday, January
20. Calendar is up.
- Tuesday,
January 7. Class time and location have been
changed: normal class will be MW 11:30-12:45 in room 1308BPS.
A backup time/place will be F, same time, same place. Wednesday's
class will be at the new time and location.
- Friday, January
3. Still building the site...done sometime this
- Watch this space for notices, announcements,