Secure Credit Card Payment for HCP2004

This form uses SSL encryption to submit your payment information to a secure server at Michigan State University. Your credit card information is not handled by Physics Department web servers.

Please enter the registrant's name, select the payment amount and enter credit card information. After filling in the form click the 'Submit Payment' button at the bottom of the page to process payment. Your registration will be confirmed within 48 hours or receipt of payment.

The registration fee is $275.

indicates required field


Registrant's Name:

Credit Card Information

Name EXACTLY as on card:

Billing address line 1:

Billing address line 2:




Zip/postal code:

Cardholder's telephone number:

Cardholder's email address:

Credit card type:

Credit card number:

Expiration month: Expiration year:

Card Security code (where to find your code):

Card Security Code Locations

Visa / MasterCard / Discover
American Express

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