| registration | travel plans | conference fee | additional comments |


First Name:
Middle Name(s) (if any):
Family Name:
Address (line 1):
Address (line 2, if needed):
(if applicable):

ZIP Code
or Postal Code/Zone:

E-Mail Address:
URL of Your Home Page

FAX Number
(including country code):

Phone Number
(including country code):

May we include your name
in the address list on the Web?


Your Travel Plans

Date of Arrival:
Date of Departure:
Time of Arrival:
Additional Travel Information
(Travel by Private Car / Air; Flight Number):



A limited number of rooms have been reserved at 1) the East Lansing Marriott at University Place (location of the conference banquett), at a discounted rate of USD 104. + tax per room (visit http://www.marriott.com/LANEA and enter the group code of DPHDPHA where requested); 2) Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center (on campus) at a discounted rate of USD 84. + tax per person (group code "Hadron Collider Physics" or HCP); and 3) Marriott TownePlace Suites at a discounted rate of USD 59 - 79 + tax per person (group code: PHY). You are strongly urged to make a reservation early.
Hotel Accommodation:


Registration fee

Please send a check, drawn on a U.S. bank and payable to Michigan State University (with the remark NT99 Registration), to NANOTUBE-99, c/o Lorie Neuman, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1116, USA

Additional Information/comments:



For further information contact: neuman@pa.msu.edu

Document http://www.pa.msu.edu/cmp/csc/NANOTUBE-99/nt99-register3.html
has been visited times since 23 July 1998.
Last update: 30 November 1998 .