| registration | travel plans | conference fee | additional comments |


First Name:
Middle Name(s) (if any):
Family Name:
Address (line 1):
Address (line 2, if needed):
(if applicable):

ZIP Code
or Postal Code/Zone:

E-Mail Address:
FAX Number
(including country code):

Phone Number
(including country code):

May we include your name
in the address list on the Web?


Your Travel Plans

Date of Arrival:
Date of Departure:
Time of Arrival:
Additional Travel Information
(Travel by Private Car / Air; Flight Number):



A limited number of rooms have been reserved at 1) the East Lansing Marriott at University Place (location of the conference banquett), at a discounted rate of USD 104. + tax per room (visit http://www.marriott.com/LANEA and enter the group code of DPHDPHA where requested); 2) Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center (on campus) at a discounted rate of USD 84. + tax per person (group code "Hadron Collider Physics" or HCP); and 3) Marriott TownePlace Suites at a discounted rate of USD 59 - 79 + tax per person (group code: PHY). You are strongly urged to make a reservation early.
Hotel Accommodation:




Registration fee

Registration is USD 275 until May 31, 2004 and USD 325 thereafter. The registration includes the banquet. Additional tickets for the banquet and excursion can be purchased by credit card or check drawn on a U.S. bank upon arrival.

There are three ways to pay:

  • By Check: drawn on a U.S. bank and payable to Michigan State University (with the remark HCP2004 Registration), to HCP2004, c/o Lorie Neuman, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1116, USA
  • By credit card, telephone: Lorie Neuman, (517)355-9200 #2180.
  • By credit card, using a secure server. What will happen: 1. A new window will pop up for your credit card information. 2. Fill out the form with your information (your browser will not indicate a secure form, however it is a direct posting to an https site and is secure). 3. After you enter your information, at the bottom of the credit card page, click "Submit Credit Card Form." 4. A window with your receipt will appear for you to print. 5. Return to this registration form and continue with your registration, which includes clicking "Submit Registratoin Form" below: So, there are two "submit" clicks (credit and registration)! Now, pay by credit card by clicking here.

Additional Information/comments:


For further information contact: neuman@pa.msu.edu