Phillip M. Duxbury
Michigan State University

Professor, Condensed Matter Theory
Room 4260 Biomedical and Physical Science Building,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1116.
Phone: 517 884-5632, FAX: 517 353-4500
Here is a map

Our group is part of the Condensed Matter and Materials Theory group at MSU (MSU-CMMT)

Here is a recent overview of MSU - CMMT.

Current Research Interests

(i) Structure determination using distance geometry methods
(ii) Organic and excitonic photovoltaics, characterization of nanostructure and transport calculations
(iii) Biological signaling networks, particularly the apoptosis network
(iv) Combinatorial optimization methods in statistical physics. Here is a .pdf of my talk at CSC2007
(v) Interaction of nanoparticles with lipid bilayers, nanotoxicology
(vi) Ultrafast electron diffraction and its applications


A couple of other recent courses
  • PHY481: Electricity and Magnetism I
  • PHY102: Physics Computations I. (Mathematica)
  • PHY831: Graduate Statistical Mechanics.
    This is a graduate level statistical mechanics course that is one of the four subject exam courses in our department.

    Spring 2014
  • Computational Physics. Information for both PHY480 and PHY832 (ICCP) will be posted here.

    Current group

    Luke Granlund (PhD student) - Nanostructure problem, peak extraction, structure degeneracy
    Daniel Olds (PhD student) - Photovoltaics, neutron reflectometery, SANS, KMC
    Saurabh Gujarathi (PhD student) - Nanostructure problem, finding structure from distance lists
    Corey Musolff (PhD student) - Interaction of nanoparticles with lipid bilayers
    Jenny Portman (PhD student) - Ultrafast electron diffraction. Instrument development and applications
    Kannokkorn Pimcharoen (PhD student) - Transport in organics with complex nanostructures
    We are closely affilliated with The center of research excellence in complex materials (CORE-CM).

    Past students

    Yonsheng (Sean) Li(PhD 1992) (Staff BellCore)
    Xinhua Yu(PhD 1994) (Staff Silicon Valley)
    SeonGon Kim (PhD 1994)(Assoc. Professor Mississippi State University)
    Stephanie Palmer(Undergrad, Rhodes Scholar 1997) (PhD Oxford, Postdoc Princeton, Assistant Professor Univ. Chicago)
    Zhenrong Zhou(Masters, 1999) (staff Hewlett Packard)
    Bransilav Blagojevic(PhD, 1999) (staff Intel Silicon Valley)
    Alexander Donev(Undergrad 2001) (PhD Princeton, Postdoc Livermore, Assistant Prof at Courant Institute)
    Adam Smith(Undergrad 2001). (PhD program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne)
    Jan Meinke (PhD 2002) (Postodoc and staff at HLRZ Juelich, Germany)
    Radu Dobrin (PhD 2002) (Postdoc Univ of Chicago, staff at Johnson and Johnson)
    Andreas Glaser (Masters, 2003) ( PhD at Yale, Vice President cooporate treasury, Goldman Sachs)
    Andrew Jones(Undergraduate, NSF Graduate Fellow 2004) (PhD program JILA UColorado)
    Erin McGarrity (PhD 2005) ( Postdoc. TUDelft, staff at Matlab Detroit)
    Chris Farrow (PhD 2007) ( Postdoc Columbia Univ., Staff at Entthought, Austin Texas)
    Radu Cojocaru (PhD 2007) (Postdoc. at UM/NIH, staff Pathway Studio, Ariadne genomics Washington )
    Charles Fay (PhD 2007) (Instructor, Ferris State)
    Kim Cooper (Masters 2007) (PhD student at TUDelft)
    Jiwu Liu (PhD 2010) (Postdoc Columbia Univ, staff at Amazon)
    Olgun Adak (Undergrad 2011) (PhD program in APAM at Columbia)

    Past Postdocs

    Cristian Moukarzel (1993-5)) (Professor, Merida in Mexico)
    Mikko Alava (1995-6) (Professor, Aalto Univ. Finland)
    Sorin Bastea(2000) (Permanent staff at Livermore Labs.)
    Tibor Nage (2002) (Instructor at MSU)
    - Visiting positions are also available on a continuing basis through the CMPT visitors program.