Professor, Condensed Matter Theory
Room 4260 Biomedical and Physical Science Building,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1116.
Phone: 517 884-5632, FAX: 517 353-4500
Here is a
Our group is part of the Condensed Matter and Materials Theory group at MSU (MSU-CMMT)
(i) Structure determination using distance geometry methods
(ii) Organic and excitonic photovoltaics, characterization of nanostructure and transport calculations
(iii) Biological signaling networks, particularly the apoptosis network
(iv) Combinatorial optimization methods in statistical physics.
Here is a .pdf of
my talk at CSC2007
(v) Interaction of nanoparticles with lipid bilayers, nanotoxicology
(vi) Ultrafast electron diffraction and its applications
PHY831: Graduate Statistical Mechanics.
This is a graduate level statistical mechanics course that is one of the four subject exam courses in our department.