Biographical Sketch - M.I. Dykman
- 1973 Ph. D. in Physics (USSR Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences),
Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev
- 1972 M. S. in Physics (USSR Diploma in Physics, with highest honors), Kiev State University
Higher Doctorate:
- 1984 Doctor of Sciences (USSR Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences),
Institute of Semiconductors, Kiev, and Supreme Attestation Commission (Moscow, 1985)
- 1998 - present Professor of Physics at Michigan State University
- 1995 - 1998 Associate Professor of Physics at Michigan State University
- 1992 - 1994 Acting Professor of Physics at Stanford University
- At Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev:
- 1986 - 1991 Leading researcher, Theoretical Physics Department
- 1980 - 1986 Senior researcher, Theoretical Physics Department
- 1974 - 1980 Junior researcher, Theoretical Physics Department
- 1972 - 1974 Research associate, Department of Semiconductor Surface Physics
Visiting Positions and Fellowships:
- Fellow, American Physical Society
- Visiting Professor, Lancaster University, UK
- EPSRC Visiting Research Fellow, UK
- Visiting Scholar, the NASA Exploration Systems Directorate at Ames
- Moore Distinguished Scholar in Physics at Caltech
- Zukunftskolleg Senior Fellowship, University of Konstanz