Alcatel ASM10 Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector ----------------------------------------------- Original Rev. 17-Aug-2017 Current Rev. 4-Sept-2017 Try to understand the companies and their names: Adixen original vacuum pump & leak detector company started in 1952 in Annecy, 98 avenue de Brogny, France Aromat ? CIT-Alcatel Compagnie Industrielle des Telecommunications CIT Alcatel Etablissement D'Annecy Departement Physique et M??????? 98, Avenue de Brogny - Annecy Alcatel-Lucent formed from CIT-Alcatel and Thompson Telecommunications CITCOM Vacuum Systems ? Pfeiffer current German company with the ASM leak detectors No schematics of the Alcatel ASM10 Leak Detector were available so reverse engineer the design. After the bulk of reverse engineering Norman's AMS-10 was completed he found out that Brage Golding also had and ASM-10 and had the book and print set for it. Brage has an older version of the ASM-10 and both circuit boards are quite different but I expect more or less functionally the same as the newer version. Cable Connector to Cable Connector Pinouts: =====--------------=====------------------- Electronics Box Rear Panel Main Connector Pin Number Connects to Function -------------- -------------------------- -------------- 1 Ground 2 Detector Cable Pin 4 Electrometer Tube Plate 3 Detector Cable Pin 2 Electrometer Tube Plate 4 Ground 5 Detector Cable Pin 3 Feedback to Detector 6 Ground 7 Ground 8 Ground 9 Detector Cable Pin 5 Electrometer Tube Fil - 10 Source Cable Pin 3 Detector Repeller Voltage 11 Source Cable Pin 4 e-1 Collector - Diode Plate 12 Source Cable Pin 2 Triode Current Signal 13 Detector Cable Pin 11 Electrometer Tube Screen 14 Detector Cable Pin 8 Electrometer Tube Screen 15 Detector Cable Pin 6 Electrometer Tube Fil + 16 no connection 17 no connection 18 no connection 19 Source Cable Pin 5 Source Filament 20 Detector Cable Pin 9 then thermistor to pin 10 Pirani 21 Detector Cable Pin 12 Pirani Gnd 22 Source Cable Pin 1 Source Filament - 23 Line Cord Silver Pin AC Line Power 24 Line Cord Ground Pin Safety Ground 25 Line Cord Gold Pin AC Line Power Source Cable Connector Pin Number Connects to Function ------------- -------------------------- -------------- 1 Elec Box Conn Pin 22 Source Filament - 2 Elec Box Conn Pin 12 Triode Current Signal 3 Elec Box Conn Pin 10 Detector Repeller Voltage 4 Elec Box Conn Pin 11 e-1 Collector - Diode Plate 5 Elec Box Conn Pin 19 Source Filament + 6 Elec Box Conn Ground Pins Ground Detector Cable Connector Pin Number Connects to Function ------------- -------------------------- -------------- 1 no connection 2 Elec Box Conn Pin 3 Electrometer Tube Plate 3 Elec Box Conn Pin 5 Feedback to Detector 4 Elec Box Conn Pin 2 Electrometer Tube Plate 5 Elec Box Conn Pin 9 Electrometer Tube Fil - 6 Elec Box Conn Pin 15 Electrometer Tube Fil + 7 Elec Box Conn Ground Pins Ground 8 Elec Box Conn Pin 14 Electrometer Tube Screen 9 Elec Box Conn Pin 20 Pirani Signal 10 Thermistor to Detector Cable Pin 9 11 Elec Box Conn Pin 13 Electrometer Tube Screen 12 Elec Box Conn Pin 21 Pirani Ground Notes: The thermistor between pins 9 and 10 of the Detector Cable Connector is labeled "8R2K". At room temp it is about 9 Ohms and with mild heating drops to about 7 Ohms. Just the thermistor connects to pin 10 of Detector Cable Connector. Both the the thermistor and the wire to the Electronics Box Cable Connector connect to pin 9 of the Detector Cable Connector. FB# = Front Board Connector Pin Number RB# = Rear Board Connector Pin Number FP = Front Panel of the Electronics Box RP = Rear Panel of the Electronics Box Connector Pinouts on the Electronics Box: ----------------------------------------- Rear Panel Main Connector Pin Number Connects to in Elec Box Function ------------- -------------------------- ------------------------ 1 Ground 2 FB9 1 Meg +15V & OpAmp + Electrometer Tube Plate 3 FB10 1 Meg +15V & OpAmp - Electrometer Tube Plate 4 Ground 5 FB25 & Sens Swch Deck 2 Wipe Feedback to Detector 6E11 Ohm 6 Ground 7 Ground 8 Ground 9 FB14 127 Ohm to Gnd Electrometer Tube Fil - 10 RB37 10 Meg & Cap to Gnd Detector Repeller Voltage 11 RB35 0V-TP2 Pos wrt Gnd e-1 Collector - Diode Plate 12 RB26 13.7k Gnd & OpAmp + Triode Current Signal 13 FB15 R101 Trim Pot Wipper Electrometer Tube Screen 14 FB13 R102 Trim Pot Wipper Electrometer Tube Screen 15 FB17 750 Ohm to +15V Electrometer Tube Fil + 16 RB15, RP Aux Conn 11, 4.2 Ohm from relay "K1" contact 17 Ground 18 RP Aux Conn Pin 4 & Sample Valve FP Light 19 2N3055 Emitter & Aux Conn 2 Source Filament + 20 RB3 2k -15V & 6.7k OpAmp - Pirani Signal 21 RB7 to Ground Pirani Gnd 22 RB23 Relay "K2" NO Contact Source Filament - 23 Line Cord Silver Pin AC Line Power 24 Line Cord Ground Pin Safety Ground 25 Line Cord Gold Pin AC Line Power Rear Panel Auxiliary Conn Pin Number Connects to in Elec Box Function ------------- -------------------------- ---------------------- 1 Orange RB22 Total (Triode) Pressure Meter + Term 2 RP Main Conn Pin 19 Filament Pass Transistor Emitter 3 RB29, Filament Light, Filament Pass Transistor Collector 4 RP Main Conn 18, FP Sample Valve Light Brown wire 5 RB12 i.e. cathodes of valve supply rectifier 6 FB39, Speaker Audio 7 FB18, R31 499 Ohm to Signal Amplifier Output 8 Ground 9 Ground 10 RB13, FP <10E-2 Light Orange 11 RB15, RP Main Conn 16, 4.2 Ohm from relay contact 12 no connection Analyzer Head Connector Pins to Electronics Box Full Path: ---------------------------------------------------------- Source Elec Box Connector Main Conn Pin Num Pin Num Function Details --------- --------- ------------------ ----------------------- 1 22 Source Fil - RB23 to Relay "K2" 2 12 Triode Current RB26 to 13k Gnd & OpAmp 3 10 Repeller Voltage RB37 10 Meg and Filter Cap 4 11 e-1 Collector - Diode Plate RB35 0V-TP2 5 19 Source Fil + Pass Bank Emitter Aux Conn 2 6 1,4,6,7,8 Ground Detector Elec Box Connector Main Conn Pin Num Pin Num Function Details --------- --------- ------------------ ----------------------- 1 no conn. 2 3 Electrometer Plate FB10 1 Meg +15V OpAmp Red TP 3 5 Feedback FB25, Sensitivety Deck 1 Wipper 4 2 Electrometer Plate FB9 1 Meg +15V OpAmp 5 9 Electrometer Fil - FB14 127 Ohm to Gnd 6 15 Electrometer Fil + FB17 750 Ohm to +15V 7 1,4,6,7,8 Ground 8 14 Electrometer Screen FB13 VR102 Trim Pot 9 20 Pirani Signal RB3 2k Pull-Up & OpAmp 10 Thermistor to Det Conn Pin 9 11 13 Electrometer Screen FB15 VR101 Trim Pot 12 21 Pirani Ground RB7 to Ground Which CK5886 Electrometer Tube is Which: ---------------------------------------- Electrometer Screen Circuit Plate Circuit Tube FB Pin & Trim Pot FB Pin & Amp Connections ------------- ----------------- -------------------------- Ion Collector FB15 R101 FB9 R3 OpAmp+ Reference FB13 R102 FB10 R4 OpAmp- Red TP Below in the section about resistance checks of the Analyzer Head, the resistance across the pins 5 & 6 at the Detector Head connector was measured at 24 Ohms. This is the two electrometer tube filaments in parallel. Does this 24 Ohm measured value make sense ? These filaments are specified for 1.25V and 10 mA which implies 125 Ohms when hot. Room temperature to hot operating temperature is a factor of about 2 or 3 in resistance so 24 Ohms in right in the range of expected resistance for two in parallel at room temp. In the real circuit, at operating temperatue there is: +15V, 750 Ohm, two_filaments_in_parallel (or about 62 Ohm), 127 Ohm, Gnd. This sould give a total of 15.97 mA through the two filaments in parallel and put the negative end of the filaments at about +2.028 V wrt Gnd and the positive end at about +3.026 V wrt Gnd. Note that this makes the grid 1 at a negative bias as required for the circuit to work. Analyzer Head Connectors Resistance Check on 25-Aug-2017: ----------------------------------------------------------- Source Connector Pin Num Resistance Check --------- -------------------------- 1 ~0.14 Ohms to pin 5, ~21.5 Ohms to pin 4, floats wrt Gnd 2 floats wrt all 5 other pins and wrt Gnd 3 floats wrt all 5 other pins and wrt Gnd --> 4 ~21.5 Ohms to pin 1, ~21.6 Ohms to pin 5, floats wrt Gnd <-- 5 ~0.14 Ohms to pin 1, ~21.6 Ohms to pin 4, floats wrt Gnd 6 good connection to chassis ground Detector Connector Pin Num Resistance Check --------- -------------------------- 1 hard connection to pin 5, floats wrt Gnd 2 floats wrt all other pins and wrt Gnd 3 floats wrt all other pins and wrt Gnd 4 floats wrt all other pins and wrt Gnd 5 hard connection to pin 1, ~24 Ohms to pin 6, floats wrt Gnd 6 ~24 Ohms to either pin 1 or pin 5, floats wrt Gnd 7 good connection to chassis ground 8 floats wrt all other pins and wrt Gnd 9 floats wrt all other pins and wrt Gnd 10 ~62 Ohms to pin 12, floats wrt Gnd 11 floats wrt all other pins and wrt Gnd 12 ~62 Ohms to pin 10, floats wrt Gnd Front & Rear Circuit Board 47 Pin Connector Pinouts: ---------------------------------------------------- FRONT Circuit Board Pin Num Color Connects To - Function ------------- -------------------------------------- 1 Blue 28 V Transformer Secondary 2 Green Ground 3 Red 28 V Transformer Secondary 4 Gray Rear Circuit Board Conn Pin RB11 Positive Relay Power 5 Black 18 V Transformer Secondary 6 Blue FP Zero Control 2.2k Ohm Pot Wipper 7 White 18 V Transformer Secondary 8 Brown Rear Circuit Board Conn Pin RB1 -15 V Op Amp Power 9 Coax RP Main Conn Pin 2 Electrometer Tube Plate 10 Coax RP Main Conn Pin 3 Electrometer Tube Plate 11 Brown Rear Circuit Board conn Pin RB4 +15 V Op Amp Power 12 Green Ground 2x Green 13 Coax RP Main Conn Pin 14 Electrometer Screen from VR102 14 Coax RP Main Conn Pin 9 Electrometer Fil- 127 Ohms to Gnd 15 Coax RP Main Conn Pin 13 Electrometer Screen from VR101 16 Blue FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 2 17 Coax RP Main Conn Pin 15 Electrometer Fil + 750 Ohms to +15V 18 Black RP Aux Conn Pin 7, Signal Amp Output via 499 Ohm 19 Orange FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 1 & 2 20 Red FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 2 21 Black FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 2 22 White FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 2 23 Gray FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 2 24 Brown FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 2 25 Coax FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 1 Wipper Coax RP Main Conn Pin 5 Feedback to Detector 26 Black FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 1 27 White FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 1 28 no connection 29 Orange FP Zero Control 30 ? FP Sensitivity Switch Deck 2 Wipper 30 Green Leak Rate Meter - terminal | 31 Red Leak Rate Meter + terminal | 32 Orange FP Red Tip Jack 50 mV Leak Rate 33 no connection 34 Black Audio Threshold Pot 35 no connection 36 no connection | 37 Green Ground | 38 Black FP Green Tip Jack 50 mV Leak Rate | 39 Gray RP Aux Conn Pin 6 Speaker Drive | 40 Blue Audio Volume Pot Speaker Drive 41 White 7V 7V Transformer Secondary CT is Grounded 42 Black 7V 7V Transformer Secondary at the Transformer 43 Gray Audio Threshold Pot Wipper 44 Brown Audio Threshold Pot 45 Green Ground 46 Gray 110 V Transformer Secondary 47 Brown 110 V Transformer Secondary Front Circuit Board Chassis Grounded Pins: 2, 12, 37, 45 Pin Pairs that are tied tegether on Front Circuit Board: 31-32 37-38 39-40 Front Circuit Board, pins with no connection on the PCB: 28, 33, 35, 36 REAR Circuit Board Pin Num Color Connects To - Function ------------- -------------------------------------- 1 Brown -15 V Power from Front Brd for 2x 741 Op Amps 2 no pcb connection 3 Orange RP Main Conn Pin 20 4 Brown +15 V Power fron Front Brd for 2x 741 Op Amps | 5 Black Ground to Mass Select Switches | 6 Green Ground to Chassis | 7 Gray Ground to RP Main Conn Pin 21 | 8 Red Ground to pin RB28 of the Rear Board 9 Black 7V 7V Transformer Secondary CT is Grounded 10 White 7V 7V Transformer Secondary at the Transformer 11 Gray Positive Power from Front Brd for Relay Coils 12 Blue RP Aux Conn Pin 5 positive sample value power 13 Orange FP <10-2 Light RP Aux Conn Pin 10 14 no pcb connection 15 Blue RP Main Conn Pin 16 4.2 Ohm resistor from relay contact RP Aux Conn Pin 11 16 no pcb connection 17 no pcb connection 18 no pcb connection 19 Black Filament Switch ON Terminal 20 White Filament Switch Center Terminal 21 Green Total (triode) Pressure Meter - terminal 22 Orange Total (triode) Pressure Meter + terminal Orange RP Aux Conn Pin 1 23 Red Heavy RP Main Conn Pin 22 Source Filament | 24 Blue Heavy CT of the 10V 10V Source Filament Transformer | 25 Gray to pin R31 of the Read Board 26 Coax RP Main Conn Pin 12 Tiode Current Input Signal 27 Orange Filament Switch OFF Terminal 28 Red to pin RB8 of the Rear Board 29 White Emitter of the Filament Pass Transistor 30 Blue Base Drive to the Filament Pass Transistor 31 Gray to pin RB25 of the Rear Board 32 Black to the Calibration Trim Pots above Mass Selector Switches 33 White to Mass Selector Switches - Calibration Center Terminal 34 Gray to Mass Selector Switches - Calibration Center Terminal 35 Red Medium RP Main Conn Pin 11 36 no wire to pcb connector 37 Blue Medium RP Main Conn Pin 10 38 White Mass Peak Trim Pots below Mass Select Switches 39 no wire to pcb connector 40 no wire to pcb connector 41 Gray Mass Peak Trim Pots below Mass Select Switches 42 no wire to pcb connector 43 Blue 180V 180V Transformer Secondary 44 no wire to pcb connector 45 White 180V 180V Transformer Secondary 46 no wire to pcb connector 47 Red 180V 180V CT Transformer Secondary Rear Circuit Board Chassis Grounded Pins: 6 Pin that are tied tegether on Rear Circuit Board: 5-6-7-8 24-25 Rear Circuit Board, pins with no connection on the PCB: 2, 14, 16, 17, 18, 36, 42, 44, 46 Mass Selector Switch Trim Pot Resistance Check Measured Aug 2017: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mass Calibration Trim Pots Above Mass Selector Switch Push Buttons: M2 2.23k M3 2.27k M4 2.80k Sets Filament Emision Current Common Black to RB32 Switch Selected Trim Pot to White to RB33 & Gray to RB34 Mass Peak Trim Pots Below Mass Selector Switch Push Buttons: M2 RB5 to RB38 64.98k RB5 to RB41 28.51k M3 RB5 to RB38 27.33k RB5 to RB41 65.75k M4 RB5 to RB38 7.54k RB5 to RB41 85.59k Sets the Ground point between Source Filament Bias and Source Diode Plate aka Electron Collector. Switch Selected Trim Pot Wipper Black to RB5 to Ground Far end of M2 Trim Pot Gray to RB41 Far end of M4 Trim Pot While to RB38 Estimate (Not Measured) Analyzer Head Supply & Electrode Voltages: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Electron Collector aka Diode Mass Plate Source Filament Filament Detector Selector 0V-TP2 TP1 HV Bias HV Bias Repeller Switch wrt Gnd wrt Gnd wrt Gnd wrt TP2 wrt Gnd -------- --------- ------- -------- ------- -------- 4 +137.2V -184.8V -4.8V -142V +88.3V 3 +180.0V -142.0V +38.0V -142V +131.1V 2 +260.6V -61.4V +118.6V -142V +211.7V Notes: Filament HV Bias is about +180V wrt TP1 The Detector Repeller is about +273.1V wrt TP1. The Detector Repeller supply has a source resistance of 10 Meg Ohms so the Voltage of this supply must be measured before the 10 Meg Ohm series resistor.