*/ This is the BURN program Version 5-DEC-1995 The outer loops are: 1. Loop over an RPM range from rpm_min to rpm_max in steps of rpm_inc. 2. Loop over a range of spark advance from min_adv_deg to max_adv_deg in steps of inc_adv_deg. Now at each combination of RPM and spark advance do the following: Show the Energy Output which is: +180 TDC / / Energy | | Output = | Delta_Vol * Ave_Pres - | Delta_Vol * Ave_Pres | | / / TDC -180 | | Delta_Vol = | Vol(i) - Vol(i-1) | | | Pres(i) + Pres(i-1) Ave_Pres = ----------------------- 2.0 / / \ \ 273 + | perc_burn(i) * | egt - 273 | | / \ \ \ / / Pres(i) = | Comp_Achvd(i) | * -------------------------------------- \ / 273 Vol_head plus Vol_cylinder, i.e. Total Volume Comp_Achvd(i) = -------------------------------------------------- Vol_head plus Vol left in the cylinder at time i Perc_Burn(i) = percent of fuel burned since ignition i msec ago. A typical Exhaust Gas Temperature is 1400 Deg F. The program asks for the name of an output file and a number of other parameters: Output file name Compression Ratio Stroke Connecting Rod Length Minimum RPM Maximum RPM RPM Increment Minimum Advance Maximum Advance Advance Increment Integration Step Size Then with each loop the program writes to the output file the following information: This program uses the following functions: Integrate at this RPM and Advance Preasure at this step Compression Achieved Percent Burned