Notes on - Windowed Sinc Filters ---------------------------------- Original Rev. 21-Dec-2021 Current Rev. 2-Jan-2022 The seed for the kernel of a Windowed Sinc Filter is the sin(x)/x sinc function. To make things practical only a finite length of the sinc function can be used in a filter. The filters described here will always use a sinc function of length M+1 samples where M is always even. This resulting M+1 samples is symmetric about the center lobe with M/2 samples on either side of the center lobe. For use in the filters the whole set of M+1 samples is shifted to the right so that the array index runs from 0 through M, i.e. M+1 samples. If you just cutoff the sinc function that will cause serious ripple in the filter output. The way to control this problem is to "window" the sinc function. The standard windowing function to use is the Blackman function which is: W(n) = 0.42 - 0.5 cos( 2 pi n / M) + 0.08 cos( 4 pi n / M) The shift of the windowed sinc filter kernel index by M/2 places to the right causes a shift in the filter output by the same amount to the right (typically later in time).