* **** Fisrt the input two pole low pass Stage of Filtering * * Input Resistor 301 Ohms and Series Resistor 301 Ohms * ****R1 502 503 301 ****R2 503 504 301 * * Feedback Capacitor 66 pF and Shunt Capacitor 66 pF * ****C1 503 510 66PF ****C2 504 0 66PF * * Gain Resistor 301 Ohms and Feedback Resistor 169 Ohms * R4 0 505 301 R3 505 510 169 * * Output Series Resistor 20 Ohm * R8 510 561 20 * * Output Load Resistor 200 Ohm * RLD 561 0 200 * * * Instance the First OPA642 * X1 505 504 595 595 510 599 599 OPA642 * * * * .PRINT AC VM(561,0) VP(561,0) .PLOT AC VM(561,0) VP(561,0) * * .END *