$! $! SET LIMITS X -700 TO +1250 $! SET LIMITS Y -1.5 TO +1.5 $! JOIN SPLINE $! JOIN 1 (1 segment per interval) $! $ TopDrawer SET DEVICE POSTSCR TITLE TOP 'Zo of the P1 Backplane Timing Signals Lines ' TITLE LEFT 'Effective Zo of the TS Line' TITLE Bottom 'Number of Modules in the Crate ' SET ORDER X Y 0 51.0 1 49.48 2 48.09 3 46.81 4 45.62 5 44.52 6 43.50 7 42.55 8 41.65 9 40.81 10 40.02 11 39.27 12 38.56 13 37.89 14 37.26 15 36.65 16 36.07 17 35.52 18 35.0 19 34.49 20 34.01 JOIN 1 PLOT