$! Command File to Write Gerber Spool Files to Tape for the CAT3 Project $! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $! $! Steve Gross Ver. 29-APRIL-1991 $! $! $! First Allocate the tape drive MTA0: and give it the logical name TAPE. $! Then Initialize the tape and give it the label GRBCT3. $! Now Mount the tape foreign and take a look at the current errors. $! $ Set Verify $! $ Allocate MTA0: TAPE: $! $ Initialize/Density=1600 TAPE: GRBCT3 $! $ Mount/Foreign/Density=1600 TAPE: GRBCT3 $! $ Show Error $! $! $! Now start the ETAPE program. First use the UT command to toggle from $! EBCDIC to ASCII. Then use the LR command to set the Logical Record $! Length. Then use the BL command to set the Block Length. Then use the $! WR command to Write each of the 13 "spool" files to tape. Then use the $! TM command to make a final tape mark. Then use the WH command to see $! details about how well all of this has worked. Then exit the ETAPE $! program by using the QU command. $! $ Run ETAPE.EXE UT LR 24 BL 960 WR SPOOL.PER WR SPOOL.CMP WR SPOOL.VTT WR SPOOL.VEE WR SPOOL.GND WR SPOOL.INT WR SPOOL.SOL WR SPOOL.MSK WR SPOOL.CSS WR SPOOL.SSS WR SPOOL.DR1 WR SPOOL.DR2 WR SPOOL.DR3 TM WH QU $! $! $! Now take a look at the errors, Dismount the tape, Deallocate the $! tape, and exit. $! $ Show Error $! $ Dismount TAPE: $! $ Deallocate TAPE: $! $ Set NoVerify $! $ EXIT $! $! $! $! The files made by the CLIPPER Gerber file generator have the following $! format at the end of each record: $! $! data, data, $2A, $0A, data, data $! * LnFd $! $! All records in the CAT3 Gerber "spool" file have a maximum record $! length between 13 and 22 characters (including the * character but $! not including the LineFeed character). $! $! The above ETAPE commands will write all records 24 characters long $! (padding with blanks where needed), and it will write tape blocks $! that are 960 characters long i.e. 40 records in a block. $! $! This gives: 960 char / 1600 char per inch = 0.6 inches of data $! and then a 0.6 inch inter record gap. 50% is data $! $! $! The old VAX IPS software wrote Gerber spool files with the following $! format at the end of each record: $! $! data, data, $2A, $20, $20, $02, $02, $00, $00, data, data $! * blnk blnk stx stx $! $! VAX IPS Spool files typically have records that are a few hundred $! characters long. $!