DATE: 21-Sept-2022 TO: "Beta" Board PCB Manufacturer FROM: Dan Edmunds Physics Department Michigan State University RE: Manufacture the bare "Beta" pcb "Beta" Board Circuit Board Manufacturing -------------------------------------------- This note is the details for manufacturing the bare "Beta" printed circuit board. The "Beta" Board is a small microwave circuit board. Final milling of this board will be done in the customer's lab. This board is a square 80 mm on a side. The perimeter area of this card has no copper and contains only 4 holes in the corners for alignment doll pins. A dimensioned layout drawing of the "Beta" Board pcb is available in the Gerber file: beta_artwork_3 The 61 mm diameter circular central part of the top side of this card is a ground plane with a few embedded traces. The central section of the bottom side of this card is all ground plane with reliefs for for vias and some holes. This instruction file, the Gerber files, and the drill files for the "Beta" Board circuit board are available on the web: Data for Manufacture of the "Beta" Board PCB --------------------------------------------------- Circuit board name: "Beta" Board All design data is in mm Quantity Ordered: 6 cards Layer Count: 2 Circuit Board Material: Rogers AD-1000 or 3010 High dielectric constant Dk about 10 is required. Overall Circuit Board Size: 80 mm x 80 mm 80 mm total in the X dimension 80 mm total in the Y dimension The 0,0 coordinate origin is in the card's Center. Overall Circuit Board Thickness: nominal 1.27 mm (50 mils) Copper weight: 1/2 oz copper on Top and Bottom Surface Finish: ENIG Solder Mask: There is a Solder Mask on both sides Silk Screen: There is a Silk Screen on the bottom side only Holes: There are 6 different hole sizes Drill #1 Plated Nominal Dia. 0.40 mm Count 436 These holes are for vias between the top and bottom side ground planes. They may close in during plating. Drill #2 Plated Nominal Dia. 0.85 mm Count 16 These holes are for vias between the top and bottom side ground planes. They may close in during plating. Drill #3 Plated Nominal Dia. 2.20 mm Count 4 These holes are for vias between the top and bottom side ground planes. They may close in during plating. Drill #4 Non-Plated Diameter 0.90 mm Count 3 3 non-plated holes near the center of the card. Drill #5 Non-Plated Diameter 3.20 mm Count 4 These non-plated holes are for 1/8" diameter doll pins in the 4 corners of the square card which are used to align the bare board for final milling in the customer's lab. Drill #6 Non-Plated Diameter 4.30 mm Count 16 These non-plated holes are for microwave connectors around the perimeter of the card. Board Layers and Files: Assembly of the Board Stack-up Order of the Layers: ------------------------------------------------------------ Top Side Solder Mask File Number 4 Layer 1: Top Side Plane & few Traces File Number 1 Layer 2: Bottom Side Plane File Number 2 Bottom Side Solder Mask File Number 5 Bottom Side Silk Screen File Number 6 Design File-Names Delivered to the PCB Manufacturer ------------------------------------------------------------ beta_artwork_1 Top side Plane & few Traces L1 beta_artwork_2 Bottom side Plane L2 beta_artwork_3 Dimensioned Drawing (shows an outline of the top side) beta_artwork_4 Top side Solder Mask beta_artwork_5 Bottom side Solder Mask beta_artwork_6 Bottom side Silkscreen beta_drill_plated Drill data for plated holes beta_drill_unplated Drill data for un-plated holes Contact Information: Daniel Edmunds Physics Department Rm 2150 Bio-Medical Physical Sciences Bldg. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824-2320 Phone: (517) 884-5521 Email: FAX: (517) 355-6661