3 Axis MEMs Accelerometer Box Notes -------------------------------------- Initial Rev. 30-Nov-2021 Current Rev. 1-Dec-2021 This file is a set of notes about the 3 Axis MEMs Accelerometer Box that uses an Analog Devices ADXL354 sensor. - This 3 Axis Accelerometer Box uses an Analog Devices ADXL354BEZ sensor. As setup this sensor provides a full scale range of +-2 g on each of the 3 axes - The signal at the 3 BNC output connectors has a sensitivity of 2 Volts/g. The accuracy of this sensitivity is +- 8%. - The frequency response is currently setup for DC up to about 100 Hz. I can change this if you want me to, e.g. replace the DC response with a 1 Hz or something like that AC coupled output at the low frequency end and/or move the high frequency response up to 500 Hz or 1 kHz. I started with the DC to 100 Hz setup because that typically matches their test data and demo board setup. With the DC coupling you can just watch one of the outputs with a hand held DC voltmeter as you rotate the box and verify which axis is which. - Driving a high impedance load (i.e. 10k Ohm or higher) the outputs of the 3 Axis Box can swing at least +-7 Volts but anything past +-4 Volts is out of the guarantied linear range of the accelerometer sensor itself. - The orientation of the axes are labeled on the outside of the box. - Please don't drop the box as doing so would probably exceed the maximum g force that the accelerometer sensor can survive. But the sensor only costs about $35 and would not be hard to change. - If it is useful I could do a better job of aligning the orientation of the sensor's axes to match the flat bottom of the box. - The sensor and box electronics include a Self Test feature that injects an electrostatic force to the moving mass of the sensor. To use this Self Test: Flip the toggle switch from "Measure" to "Self Test". Record the value of the X,Y,Z signals. Push the Self Test push button and record the new values of the X,Y,Z signals. The difference in the two readings of the X and Y signals should correspond to 0.3 g typically (0.1 g min 0.6 g max). The difference in two readings of the Z signal should correspond to 1.5 g typically (0.5 g min 3.0 g max). - With the 3 Axis Accelerometer Box sitting on my work bench (i.e. no special precautions to control mechanical vibrations) on the Z axis output I see a noise level of about 0.3 mV rms and about 5 mV pk-pk. The bulk of this noise has a structure with a period of about 25 msec to 35 msec. There is also an obvious high frequency component in the 100 kHz range. Dropping a small 6-32 screw from a height of 2 or 3 inches causes a Z axis response of about 60 mV pk-pk. The X and Y axes outputs show a noise of about 0.2 mV rms and about 3 mV pk-pk. Recall that 1 g causes a 2 Volt output signal. - The batteries that power the electronics in this box should have an operating life of about 60 hours. - The box is made of steel to provide some magnetic shielding. To increase the weight of the box, to give it good mechanical contact to the surface where you set it, I have included an additional 1/4" thick steel plate on the bottom of the box. - All electronics inside the box uses an isolated analog common that connects to the shell of the isolated BNC signal output connectors. This leaves the question of how to "ground" the metal box itself so that it can provide shielding against pickup of electrical noise. We don't want to make a ground loop with this connection to the box. Two choices are provided for: Connect the metal box itself to the internal isolated analog common and put a sheet of insulating material on the bottom of the box so that it does not make an electrical connection (and thus a possible ground loop) with the surface where you set the box. This is how the 3 Axis Accelerometer Box is setup currently. Remove the link between the box and internal isolated analog common and instead proved an external "ground" connection to the box that is at the same noise free potential as the "ground" at the input to your DAQ system. It's easy for me to open this box ground connection link if you want me to. - I've provided some thin very flexible 15 foot long BNC cables that you can use to connect the 3 Axis Accelerometer Box to the inputs of your DAQ system. The intent is to limit the amount of mechanical vibration that is conducted to the box by its BNC output cables. Because these BNC cables are thin and flexible they are relatively delicate.