Guildline 9577 DVM Notes ----------------------------- Original Rev. 20-Mar-2022 Current Rev. 3-Apr-2022 Recall that the Guildline 9577 is the same as the Solartron 7075 and that it comes from Schlumberger via some path. I do not know what all, besides a series of high-end DVMs, was designed and manufactured by Solartron. Reader's Guide to the 13,983,395 byte pdf "Technical Manual" for the Solartron 7075 DVM "Issue 3, January 1978". I know that this meter existed in 1977 and I think it is a design from 1976. In March of 1978 the Guildline 9577 version cost $4,495 and was considered a very fancy instrument. There is another version of this manual on the web that is in 2 files and in total is about twice the size. It appears to be just a scan of a scan and is harder to read. Reader's Guide: --------------- All page numbers refer to the pdf page number of this document and will be in the range 1:246. Board No. 1 Display Description: 115, 116 Schematic: 119 or 205 or 242 Board Layout: 117 Parts List: 122 Board No. 2 Display Driver and Phase Lock Loop Description: 92, 113, 115, 116 Schematic: 112 or 204 or 241 Board Layout: - Parts List: 122 Board No. 3 Control Logic, Push Buttons, Optical Couplers Description: 92, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 110 Schematic: 102, 111 or 202, 203 or 239, 240 Board Layout: 107 Parts List: 122, 123 Board No. 4 Counters and Memory Description: 92, 95, 97, 98 Schematic: 94, 101 or 199, 201 or 233, 238 Board Layout: 99 Parts List: 123 Board No. 5 Analog Circuits (except for Ohms Sources) Descriptions: DC Input page 52 or 183 or 217 DC Ranging page 57 Input Amplifier page 55 V to t Converter page 61 Reference page 75 AC Conversion page 69 Schematics: DC Input sheet 1 page 53 or 184 or 186 or 218 or 220 DC Ranging sheet 2 page 63 or 187 or 221 Input Amplifier sheet 3 page 59 or 185 or 219 V to t Converter sheet 4 page 65 or 188 or 222 Reference sheet 5 page 77 or 194 or 228 AC Conversion sheet 6 page 71 or 191 or 225 Board Layout: 52 or 183 or 217 Parts List: 124, 125, 126 Board No. 6 Floating Logic and Integrator Logic 2xy and 8xy Description: 79, 81, 82 Schematic: 85 or 195 or 229 Board Layout: 83 Parts List: 126 Board No. 6 Ohms Current Sources and 220 Hz Generator 4xy and 6xy Description: 72 or 192 or 226 Schematic: 73 or 193 or 227 Board Layout: 83 Parts List: 126 Board No. 7 Power Supply Description: 87 Schematic: 86, 89, 90 or 196, 197, 198 or 230, 231, 232 Board Layout: 86 or 196 or 230 Parts List: 127 Board Numbers 8 and 9 are not used in this instrument Board No. 10 Chopper LEDs Description: - Schematic: 72 or 192 or 226 Board Layout: 72 or 192 or 226 Parts List: 127 Board No. 11 Backpanel Interconnect Description: - Schematic: 108 Board Layout: - Parts List: 127 Board No. 12 FET Drivers Description: 66 or 189 or 223 Schematic: 67 or 190 or 224 Board Layout: 66 or 189 or 223 Parts List: 127, 128 Board No. 13 Line Power Rectifier Description: - Schematic: 86 or 196 or 230 Board Layout: 86 or 196 or 230 Parts List: 128 Main Assembly Parts List: 128 Block Diagrams: --------------- The various block diagrams are on pages: Basic System Fig 5.0: 47 or 181 or 215 Detailed System Fig 6.1: 51 or 182 or 216 Earthly Logic Fig 6.14: 93 or 200 or 234 Board Interconnects: -------------------- There are a large number of interconnects between the various boards. These carry: analog signals, digital signals, and power. Most of these interconnects use either 14 pin or 16 pin DIP connectored flat cables while others use square "Berg pins". I do not know if they gave the various flat cables specific Reference Designators. Many of these flat cables have straight runs between boards that are one above the other. There are a total of ?? of these flat cables. Relays: ------- RLA ?? RLB is part of the DC Input on Brd #5 page 53 RLC is part of the AC Converter on Brd #5 page 71 RLD is part of the Ohms Self Test on Brd #6 page 73 RLE is part of the DC Input on Brd #5 page 53 RLF is part of the DC Input on Brd #5 page 53 RLG is part of the Ohms Current Sources on Brd #6 page 73 RLH is part of the Ohms Current Sources on Brd #6 page 73 RLK is part of the Reference Ratio on Brd #5 page 77 RLL is part of the AC Converter on Brd #5 page 71 Special Parts: -------------- Many of the parts used in this meter are either rather special analog parts from 46 years ago or else old unusual TTL logic from 46 years ago. On Brd #2 the DD700 display drivers ICs 11 and 12 are probably National Semiconductor DS8880. The Floating Logic on Brd #6 uses a couple of D125B chips IC805 and IC808. These chips are 6 channel FET drivers from Siliconix and are covered in the 1982 Siliconix Analog Switch and IC Data Book. Special transistors e.g. WN807, U1819, U1899 The U1899 is in the 1985 Siliconix IC book pages 11-5, 11-12 Parallel BCD Interface: ----------------------- Section 9 covers the Parallel BCD Interface Unit 70754 (not the GPIB Interface) and is on pages: 149 through 173 or 207 through 214 or 235, 236, 237, 244, 245, 246. Calibration Cover: ------------------ The 70759D Calibration Cover is shown on page: 176, 177 Front and Back Panel Labels: ---------------------------- Labels for the items on the front and back panels are given on pages: 7, 8 or 179, 180 or 213, 214 Trim Pot Map: ------------- A map of the analog trim pots is on: 147 or 206 or 243 Input Connector Pinout: ----------------------- The Input Connector pinout is shown on page: 11 Section 3 Operating Instructions: ---------------------------------- The basic Operating Instructions are on pages: 23 through 26 Section 4 Measurement Techniques: ---------------------------------- The interesting section on Measurement Techniques: 27 through 41 Section 5 Servicing: --------------------- The Servicing section is on pages: 43 through 47 Note the warning about the Ohms Guard on page 44 Section 6 Circuit Descriptions: -------------------------------- The first scan of the Circuit Descriptions and Schematics are on pages: 49 through 119 Section 7 Parts Lists: ----------------------- The Parts Lists are on pages: 121 through 128 Section 8 Setup and Calibration: --------------------------------- Setup and Calibration is on pages: 129 through 147