// File: transformer_mc_tc1_1tx_geom.txt // // Date: 18-Aug-2023 Original version for Disco-Kraken // // // // Geometry for the 5 pin Pulse Transformer component. // ------------------------- // // // This geometry is for the Mini-Circuits TC1-1TX+ // pulse transformer which has 2 windings with a 1:1 ratio. // The secondary winding has a center tap. The "+" at // the end of the MC part number means that it is a // Lead Free component. // // The MC pin numbering scheme is not standard: // // - The Pin #1 Marker on the top of this component // does indicate Pin #1 but then looking down // from the top the pins are numbered in the CW // direction. // // - Pins 1, 2, 3 are the secondary with the Phase Dot // on Pin #1 and Pin #2 is the Center Tap. // // - Pins 4 and 6 are the primary with the Phase Dot // on Pin #6. // // - There is no Pin #5. // // For this part I'm going to keep all of the non-standard // MC pin numbering stuff and use it in this geometry and // use it in all other DK design stuff and documentation.. // // This geometry is layed out with Pin #1 in the NW corner, // Pin #3 in the NE corner, Pin #4 in the SE corner, and // Pin #6 is the SW corner. // // The main axis of this geometry is horizontal the same // orientation as shown in the drawings in the MC datasheet. // $abort_enable = @false; $$lock_windows(@on) ; $$snap_diagonal(@off) ; $$snap_orthogonal(@off) ; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // For now I will make the pads used in the geometry // exactly the same as recommended in the MC datasheet: // // ---> Note that MC forgot to specify the X dimension // in their recommended Pad layout. // // The Pads are: ?.?? mm in X by 1.65 mm in Y // The Pitch between Pads is: 1.27 mm in X // The C_to_C between Pads is: 3.18 mm in Y // // For now I will guess the X dimension of the // recommended Pad layout to be 0.78 mm which // maybe sounds OK as the X dimension of the // Foot that solder onto this Pad is 0.71 mm. // $$create_pin("input_trans_pad", @replace); $$page(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, @mm, 0.0, 0.0, [0.0,0.0,'PI$input_trans_pad'] ); $$point_mode(@vertex); $$polygon( "PAD", , [ -0.39, -0.83, 0.39, -0.83, 0.39, 0.83, -0.39, 0.83 ]); $$polygon( "SOLDER_MASK", , [ -0.44, -0.88, 0.44, -0.88, 0.44, 0.88, -0.44, 0.88 ]); $$polygon( "PASTE_MASK", , [ -0.39, -0.83, 0.39, -0.83, 0.39, 0.83, -0.39, 0.83 ]); $$attribute( "TERMINAL_SURFACE_DEFINITION", ""); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $$create_component("Input_Transformer", @replace); $$page(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, @mm, 0.0, 0.0, [0.0,0.0,'CO$Input_Transformer'] ); $$point_mode(@vertex); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_LAYOUT_TYPE", "surface"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_LAYOUT_SURFACE", "both"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_HEIGHT", "", , @scale , , [ 5.00, 0.0 ]); // // Component Placement Outline // // MiniCircuits Comp Place 15.80 X by 6.60 Y // $$template_line_style( @Solid ); $$initial([ 1.90, 2.60 ], , @nosnap ); $$terminal([ -1.90, 2.60 ] ); $$terminal([ -1.90, -2.60 ] ); $$terminal([ 1.90, -2.60 ] ); $$terminal([ 1.90, 2.60 ] ); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PLACEMENT_OUTLINE", "", @mark, @scale ); // // Silkscreen Start of // // MiniCircuit Box 6.90 X by 7.60 Y // $$template_line_style( @Solid ); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ -2.00, 2.80, 2.00, 2.80 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ -2.00, -2.80, 2.00, -2.80 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ -2.00, 2.80, -2.00, -2.80 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 2.00, 2.80, 2.00, -2.80 ]); // Pin #1 Marker // // MiniCircuit Marker -2.20 X by 2.7 Y // $$circle( "SILKSCREEN_1", -2.70, 2.80, 0.5, 0.20 ); $$circle( "SILKSCREEN_1", -2.70, 2.80, 0.6, 0.20 ); $$circle( "SILKSCREEN_1", -2.70, 2.80, 0.7, 0.20 ); $$circle( "SILKSCREEN_1", -2.70, 2.80, 0.8, 0.20 ); // Reference Designator is on the SILKSCREEN Layer. $$text( "SILKSCREEN_1", "^$ref", 0.0, 4.6, 1.5, @CC, 0, 0.7, 0.20, "std", "None", 0.0, 0.0 ); // // End of Silkscreen // // // For this Mini-Circuits layout: X pitch is 1.27 mm Y is +- 1.59 mm // ------------- // // Define the 5 pins on the Input_Pulse_Transformer: // pin #1 is to the Upper Left and the axis is Vertical // $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PIN_DEFINITION", "1", , @scale , , [ -1.27, 1.59 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PADSTACK_OVERRIDE", "1, input_trans_pad"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PIN_DEFINITION", "2", , @scale , , [ 0.00, 1.59 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PADSTACK_OVERRIDE", "2, input_trans_pad"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PIN_DEFINITION", "3", , @scale , , [ 1.27, 1.59 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PADSTACK_OVERRIDE", "3, input_trans_pad"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PIN_DEFINITION", "4", , @scale , , [ 1.27, -1.59 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PADSTACK_OVERRIDE", "4, input_trans_pad"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PIN_DEFINITION", "6", , @scale , , [ -1.27, -1.59 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PADSTACK_OVERRIDE", "6, input_trans_pad");