Disco-Kraken Circuit Board Jumpers ------------------------------------- Initial Rev. 17-April-2024 Current Rev. 25-June-2024 This file describes the Jumpers on the DK board and the default arrangement of these jumpers. Currently there are a total of 42 jumpers on the DK board. ---- JMP851 Temperature/Pressure/Humidity Sensor U851 - Ground pin 5, for operation with default I2C address. Drawing 36 Default: Install JMP1001, JMP1002 Connect the RS-485 Bus in the Module to the Up going Main Cable. Drawing 68 Default: Install JMP1003, JMP1004 Connect the RS-485 Bus in the Module to the Terminator (for the top module in a string only). Drawing 68 Default: Open JMP1005 When installed requires the DK CPU to be NOT SANE to allow the Emergency Rescue uProcessor to take over the DK board's FPGA Boot PROM's SPI Bus. Drawing 44 Default: Install JMP1006 When Installed the Emergency Rescue uProcessor will start its "In System Programming" command handler when booted. Open for Normal Operation. Drawing 47 Default: Open R1020 Sets the ramp up rate of the Emergency Rescue Isolated RS-485 Bus Power Supply. Drawing 83 Default: R1020 is Open JMP1051...JMP1056 Are used to set the Reference Clock Frequency for the USB Phy Chip U1051. For operation with a 24 MHz Reference Clock: Drawing 18 Default: Install: JMP1051, JMP1053, JMP1055 Open: JMP1052, JMP1054, JMP1056 JMP1057, JMP1058 Are used to set the Device vs Host operation of the USB Phy Chip U1051. Drawing 18 Default: Install: JMP1058 Open: JMP1057 R1065, R1066 Are used as part of the USB Host, Device. OTG control in the USB3340 USB Phy chip. Drawing 18 Default: R1065 Install 20k Ohm R1066 Open R1073, R1074 Set Removable vs Non-Removable state of the two ports on the USB Hub. See Drawing 78 Default: R1073 and R1074 Install 10k Ohm JMP1171, JMP1172 Timing SFP Tx Laser Control Drawings 42, 84 IF JMP1171 is Installed and JMP1172 is Open then the Timing SFP Tx Laser is always On. IF JMP1171 is Open and JMP1172 is Installed then before the DK CPU is Sane the SFP Tx Laser is forced Off, once the DK CPU is Sane then the CPU controls the Timing SFP Tx Laser On/Off. Default: JMP1171 Open JMP1172 Installed JMP1173, JMP1174, JMP1175 Ethernet SFP Tx Laser Control Drawings 66, 84 IF JMP1173 is Installed and JMP1174 & JMP1175 are Open then the Ethernet SFP Tx Laser is On. If JMP1174 is Installed and JMP1173 & JMP1175 are Open then before the DK CPU is Sane the Enet Tx Laser is forced On, once the DK CPU is Sane then the CPU controls the Enet SFP Tx Laser On/Off. If JMP1175 is Installed and JMP1173 & JMP1174 are Open then before the DK CPU is Sane the Enet Tx Laser is forced Off, once the DK CPU is Sane then the CPU controls the Enet SFP Tx Laser On/Off. Default: JMP1173 Installed JMP1174 & JMP1175 Open JMP1176, JMP1177 TOMcat Power Control Drawings 19, 85 IF JMP1176 is Installed and JMP1177 is Open then Delayed_All_Power_Good AND DK_CPU_Is_Sane AND Run_TOMcat must all be asserted HI for the TOMcat to receive power. IF JMP1176 is Open and JMP1177 is Installed then TOMcat receives power as soon as the Delayed_ All_Power_Good signal is asserted HI. After that assertion HI of both the DK_CPU_Is_Sane AND Stop_TOMcat is required to power down the TOMcat. Default: JMP1176 Open JMP1177 Installed R1261, R1262 These 2 resistors set the Default state of the SCLK line on the FPGA Boot Memory SPI Bus Install R1261 for a Pull-Up to 3V3 or R1262 for a Pull-Down to Ground Drawing 12 Default: R1262 Install 10k Ohm R1261 Open R1404, R1409 These 2 resistors set the Default state of the JTAG TRST_B signal. R1404 is a pull-down and R1409 is a pull-up to 3V3. The MicroChip documentation is not clear about the required default state of this signal. See Drawing 13. Default: R1404 Install 4.7k Ohm R1409 Open JMP1501, JMP1502 Crystal Oscillator Enable Signals Drawings 14, 86 JMP1501 When Open the 125 MHz Xtal Oscillator will always be Enabled. When installed the 125 MHz Xtal Oscillator can be turned OFF by asserting HI both: DK_CPU_Is_Sane AND Disable_125_MHz_Xtal_Osc. JMP1501 When Open the Spare Xtal Oscillator will always be Enabled. When installed the Spare Xtal Oscillator can be turned OFF by asserting HI both: DK_CPU_Is_Sane AND Disable_Spare_Xtal_Osc. Default JMP1501 & JMP1502 Installed JMP1651 Connect the DK's Signal Ground Plane to the Sea Water Reference. Drawing 2 Default: Install JMP1621, JMP1622 Isolate TOMcat's Configuration signals from the FPGA/CPU GPIO inputs. Drawing 89 Default: JMP1621, JMP1622 Installed C955, C956, C955B, C956B Select the Timing Generator REF_A input. Drawing: 64, 90 C955, C956 selects TOMcat 125 MHz. C955B, C956B CCC_SE_PLL1_OUT0. Default: C955, C956 Installed. C955B, C956B Open R927, R928 Select the Timing Generator Aux M0 input. R927 selects FPGA CCC_SE_PLL1_OUT1. R928 selects TOMcat 100 Hz output. Drawing 64, 90 Default: R927 Open R928 Installed