Main Compressor's Water Filter Element Replaced -------------------------------------------------- Original Rev. 13-June-2022 Current Rev. 13-June-2022 On 13-June-2022 the water filter for the Main Compressor was replaced. At the time of this filter's replacement there was no recovered gas available for the Liquefier to process. The Liquefier had just finished cooling down the storage dewar to about 0.54 psi. The replacement went smoothly and the water flow was back on before the storage dewar pressure was above 1.60 psi - so there was zero down time for the Liquefier system. Because a cooling cycle had just finished and the filter replacement could be finished before the Main Compressor would be called upon to run again - the Main Compressor was not turned Off for this filter replacement. Main Compressor Supply Pump Return Pump Heat Exchanger -------------- -------------- Differential Input Output Input Output LPM Pressure With the OLD Filter ----- ------ ----- ------ ---- --------------- 13 June 9:45 63 77 59 72 11.2 18 psi Normal Operation Both Pumps Off 74 75 71 70 ? 4 With the NEW Filter Only Rtn Open Pumps OFF 70 70 70 70 --- -- Only Sup Open Pumps OFF 77 78 78 78 --- -- Both Valves Open Pumps OFF 77 77 71 70 6.8 6 Both Valves Open Pumps ON 72 86 61 73 13.3 25 Normal Operation There was no noticeable change in the readings of the pressure gauges on the Purifier when the Main Compressor's Filter was changed. The previous change of the Main Compressor's water filter was on 12-May-2022 just one month ago. The following is a sketch of the Main Compressor's history since then. Main Compressor Supply Pump Return Pump Heat Exchanger -------------- -------------- Differential Date Input Output Input Output LPM Pressure ------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ---- --------------- 15-May-22 75 89 63 75 13.7 26 psi 25-May-22 74 88 63 75 13.5 25 31-May-22 66 80 56 68 13.5 24 5-Jun-22 71 84 60 73 13.0 24 7-Jun-22 70 84 60 73 12.7 24 9-Jun-22 68 82 60 73 12.5 22 10-Jun-22 68 82 60 73 12.3 22 11-Jun-22 66 80 60 72 11.8 20 13-Jun-22 63 77 59 72 11.2 18 This table is a sample of the daily readings taken while the Main Compressor is running and when possible while the Purifier is in Mode 41 normal "Steady State Production".