Liquefier Cooling Water Filter Replacement 17-Aug-2022 --------------------------------------------------------- - On 17-Aug-2022 I replaced both cooling water filters on the Main Compressor and the still single filter on the Purifier. - The previous Compressor filter replacement was on 29-June-2022. - The previous Purifier filter replacement was on 7-June-2022. - The Main Compressor was left running during the filter change. Valving Off the lower filter first dropped the flow rate from about 14 LPM to about 10 LPM. With both filters replaced the flow rate is back up to about 17 LPM and we again have about 30 psi across the Main Compressor. - The Purifier was in Mode 71 "Pump Trap" with its Compressor Package automatically shutoff so there was no need to do anything to it while changing its filter, i.e. nothing about the Purifier was manually turned Off while its filter was changed. The pressure across the Purifier had gotten down to about 2 psi and is now back up to 4 or 5 psi. - The whole process, including two or three checks in the sub-basement took right about 1 hour. - Still need to install the dual filters on the Purifier. Everything is set ready to make the installation. - The vacuum jacket on the Purifier is getting worse and Reza may pump it next week. - I have 8 filters in stock.