Helium Liquefier - Numbers at Hand ------------------------------------ Initial Rev. 8-Feb-2022 Current Rev. 11-Aug-2023 1. High Pressure Gas Cylinders: AirGas Ultra High Purity Helium 99.999% HE UHP300 cylinder size 300, 291 cubic feet of Helium gas per cylinder, 2640 psi when full One of these full helium cylinder costs about $ 250 The internal volume (aka water volume) of the cylinder is 49 L or 2990 cubic inches or 1.73 cubic feet Other companies call this cylinder size: 049, 49, T, and K, These cylinders are about 9.3" dia and about 59" tall to the top of the valve. Lots of high pressure gas cylinder folks seem to call the internal volume of a cylinder its water volume. 2. Recovery System Storage Tanks: Our 400 psi Storage Tanks are about 40" tall (for the equivalent purely cylindrical shape) and about 29.9" in outside diameter giving an internal volume of about 16.2 cubic feet per storage tank. Our 400 psi Storage Tanks may be a standard commercial size call "1/2 Ton" typically used for storing propane at 110 psi at 70 deg F. 3. 1 cubic foot = 28.317 L 4. Helium Gas to Liquid Volume Ratio: Liquid Helium density is about 125 g/L at boiling point Helium Gas density is about 0.1785 g/L at STP This is a volume ratio of right about 700 I have also seen a Helium liquid to gas ratio stated as 757. 5. Pumping a full Recovery Bag into the Storage Tanks causes about a 65 psi rise in the storage tank pressure. 6. The Liquid Helium Dewar has a capacity of 150 L. 7. Storage Tanks - HP Cylinders - Liquid Equivalents: A full high pressure cylinder of Helium gas can make about 10 L of liquid Helium. The 4 Storage Tanks when full at 400 psi hold a total of about 1750 cubic feet stp of helium gas. This is about the same amount of helium as is held in the 6 full high pressure cylinders. This 1750 cubic feet stp of helium gas is enough to make about 68 L of liquid helium. 8. Value of the Overall Helium Inventory: If you consider our Helium Inventory to be: 150 L of liquid in the dewar plus 1750 cubic feet stp of gas in the storage tanks, and if the cost of helium gas is about $250 for a standard 291 cubic foot stp high pressure cylinder, then the value of our helium inventory is about: $ 4,800 This overall helium inventory is about 19 high pressure cylinders. 9. Watts of Heat to Cooling Water Temperature Rise: 4184 Joules will raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 deg C. or 4184 Joules is 1 k Calorie, 1 kilogram of water is 1 L. Put things together and: 1 k Watt is 14.34 L per minute - degrees C If you need this in gpm recall: 3.785 L = 1 gallon Recall that the little calorie is the heat to raise 1 gram or 1 cc, or 1 mL of water by 1 deg C. 10. Heat generated by the main power consuming items: Liquefier Pulse Tube Compressor about 9.9 k Watts Helium Gas Purifier about 3.1 k Watts Storage Tank 400 psi Compressor about 5.5 k Watts Because the Storage Tank Compressor runs only about 20 minutes a day it does not add very much to the overall heat load to the building. 11. Height of Water Head vs psi of Water Pressure: 2.31 feet of water head is 1 psi of water pressure 12. Power used / dissipated by the Air Chiller: The name plate on the air chiller has these numbers: Compressor 6.9 Amps Fan 0.8 Amps Pump 2.6 Amps This is a 480 Volt 3 phase unit. 10.3 Amps at 480 VAC 3 phase is about 8.56 kWatts for unity power factor. Given a typical power factor and assuming that the pump is operating at only a fraction of its full load capacity, the heat load is probably something like 5 kWatts. 13. Required air flow rate To hold the temperature rise of the air to 1 deg C you need a flow rate of about 5.6 cubic feet per minute per Watt of heat that you add to the air. This value is obviously a function of atmospheric pressure and the water content of the air. 14. Recovery Tank Pressure Drop per Liter of Liquid Helium Produced The pressure in the Recovery Tanks drops by about 5.35 psi for every Liter of liquid Helium produced by the liquefier.