Keithley 2400 Test Points --------------------------- The following describes some of the Test Points in the Keithley 2400. This text switches between the Digital Board and the Analog Board without telling the user. Some or much of what is stated may be wrong. 16-Apr-2021 - check the Supply voltages first - check that VFB and IFB (voltage and current measurement amplifier) corresponds with Vout and Iout as measured with a DMM. - IF VFB is ok with negative voltage outputs, and the output buffer amplifier is ok, then the error could be in the range switching. - check that the DAC output is ok - check connectors Note: The complete analog circuitry is floating and voltages are referenced to the floating ground. The floating ground is on the output of the power amplifier. (NO - there are separate analog "Floating" ground / power return and analog "Output" ground / power return). These "grounds" are at different potentials. (The following refers to the Digital Board). VD voltages are referenced to digital GND. TP3 on the power supply PCB is the Digital GND TP4 is the floating ground for the analog circuitry - TP3 floats with the output voltage - DO NOT connect with digital GND! (Actually TP3 is the Chassis Ground - TP4 is the "Floating" ground - correct do not ever connect). TP2 is +12VD Digital TP1 is +5VD Digital TP6/TP7 is +15VF and -15VF (floating) TP8/TP9 is -30VF and +30VF (floating) (Ther following refers to the Analog Board). If you enter 1 Volt and 100 mA at the front keys, the voltage and current DACs should change accordingly: TP201 is the negated Voltage DAC control voltage TP203 is the negated Current DAC control voltage There is a special "Approximate Feedback" part. TP204 is the negated control voltage for this part. There is a "Polarity" voltage on TP202 The 2400 regulates the difference between the control voltage (current) and the measured voltage (current). There is a lot of switching for the different quadrants depending if the unit is in voltage or current mode. Test voltage and current mode independently with No-Load or a small resistor at the output. The result of this magic switching is on TP213, which is the error drive going to the output buffer stage. The main buffer drive is on TP214 The switching signals are on TP205-TP212 The output voltage is measured with a differential amplifier. The input of the differential amplifier is SENSE_H and SENSE_LO or a local version which comes from internal nodes. TP227 is the buffered SENSE_HI input TP228 is the buffered SENSE_LO input after the voltage range divider TP230 ist the VFB (voltage feedback signal), the difference of TP227 and TP228 TP231 is the CFB (current feedback signal). TP233 is the ADC input signal, after the multiplexer which switches between VFB and CFB. There is a special supply +5VFL on TP218 and -5VFL on TP219 for the SENSE_LO voltage buffer (not floating) (Actually TP218 and TP219 are referenced to the Output Ground TP501 - not with respect to the Floating Ground). If you measure +-1 Volt between the input pins with a DMM and measure a current of +-100mA through a load resistor, the VFB and CFB voltage should correspond to the DMM voltage and current measurement, scaled by the voltage and current range. ISENSE_HI ( is at TP221 TP220 is ISENSE_LO (=output of power amp after current sense resistors), which is buffered at TP222 The difference is the current feedback signal IFB There is a current guard voltage on TP224 And some parts have a driven guard supply which floats in TP223