Plasma Etcher to RF Generator Analog Control Cables ------------------------------- Original Rev. 14-Dec-2022 Current Rev. 14-Dec-2022 This note describes the Analog Control Cable between the March PX-250 Plasma Etcher and the Serne R300 RF Power Generator. After that I list some of the connections that would be needed in a cable to connect the PX-250 to the much different in pinout and functionality Cnalog Control Connector on a Serne R301 RF Power Generator. Pinout of the RF Generator Control Connector on the March PX-250 DB-15M: --------------------------------------- Pin Num Function ------- ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 RF ON via P5-6 to Relay K1 contact that closes to Gnd 2 GND via P5-10 to Gnd 3 RF Set Pnt via P5-5 to U12-20 Quad 8 bit DAC Output C 4 FWD. PWR. via P5-20 to U16-11 8 Ch Analog Mux Input S6 5 Gnd via P5-11 to Gnd 6 REF. PWR. via P5-8 to U16-10 8 Ch Analog Mux Input S7 7 Gnd via P5-19 to Gnd 8 No Connection via P5-25 Not Used 10 SOL_13 via P5-1 to U9-14 ULN2803 Driver Not Used 15 Probably a Solenoid Driver Power or Gnd Not Used 9 No Connection in PX-250 to this pin 11:14 No Connection in PX-25- to these pins Pinout of the Analog Control Connector on the Serne R300 RF Generator DB-25M: ----------------------------------------- Pin Num Function ------- ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 AC-ON Contact Closer to Pin 14 Not Used 2 Ext Interlock Contact Closer to Gnd to Enable 3 RF ON Contact Closer to Gnd to Enable 4 FWD. Monitor 0 to +5V Analog Output ---> 0 to 300 Watts 5 REF. Monitor 0 to +5V Analog Output ---> 0 to 300 Watts 6 Set Point Dir Side of Diff Analog Signal 0 to + 5V 7 Set Point Rtn Cmp Side of Diff Analog Signal 0 to 300 Watt Note: R300 Pin 7 is not connected in the Analog Control Cable - How does this work ? See the R300 Manual page 12 8 No connection to this pin in the R300 9 Remote Limit Input Analog single-ended input Not Used 10 +5 Volt DC Reference Output Not Used 11 RF ON AND OK TTL Logic Output Not Used 12 ?? 13 ?? 14 AC-ON-2 Contact Closer to AC-ON Pin 1 to Power On Not Used 15 Gnd Chassis Gnd Ext Interlock Rtn Not Used 16 Gnd Chassis Gnd RF ON Rtn Not Used 17 Gnd Chassis Gnd FWD Mon. Rtn Not Used 18 Gnd Chassis Gnd REF Mon. Rtn Not Used 19 Gnd Chassis Gnd 20 Gnd Chassis Gnd 21 Gnd Chassis Gnd Remote Limit Rtn 22 No connection to this pin in the R300 23 No connection to this pin in the R300 24 No connection to this pin in the R300 25 No connection to this pin in the R300 Pinout of the PX-250 to R300 Analog Control Cable as Found: ------------------------------ PX-250 Goes to R300 RF Generator Pin Num Pin Number - Wire Color - Function ------- -------------------------------------- 1 2,3 Brown Ext Interlock, RF ON 2 19 Red Gnd 3 6 Orange RF Power Set Point 4 4 Black Forward Power Monitor 5 20 Green Gnd 6 5 Blue Reflected Power Monitor 7 21 White Gnd Shell Shell Cable Shield