Reza Pump Cart Component List -------------------------------- Original Rev. 3-Nov-2021 Current Rev. 10-Nov-2021 The intent of this file is just to list the various components that were used to make the Reza Pump Cart and to give their most important characteristics related to their function on the pump cart. The manuals for all of these components can be found locally on the web at: Dry Pump: --------- Agilent TriScroll Series 300 Model PTS03001UNIV Specified base pressure 1.0 E-2 Torr Specified full load current 6.8 Amps at 115 VAC 60 Hz This dry pump uses a Gas Ballast flow to reduce the formation of condensates within the pump. It has the option of a Bearing Purge flow the protect the bearings from condensates that we are not using. This pump was manufactured in July 2021 in Malaysia. Turbo Pump: ----------- The pump itself is a Pfeiffer Model TMU261 The "Electronic Drive Unit" mounted on the pump is a Pfeiffer Model TC 600. As setup, this electronic drive unit uses 48 Volt DC power. This pump had been setup for "Remote Control", i.e. in its previous application control of this pump was via its DB-15 remote control connector on the TC600. In the Reza Pump Cart we want control via the RS-485 connection between the DCU200 and them TC600. The oil cartridge for this pump is Pfeiffer PM 063 265-T. The turbo pump itself was made in July 2002. The electronic drive unit was made in June 2002. Turbo Pump Display Control and Power Supply: -------------------------------------------- The display, control, and power supply for the turbo pump is a Pfeiffer Model DCU200 Note that this one box is really 3 separate functions: the 48 VDC supply to power the pump, a display unit to show parameter values, errors, and warnings, and a control unit to allow setting of the parameter values. I believe that most of the parameter values are actually stored in the TC600 electronic drive unit itself. Vacuum Gauge Components: ------------------------ - The vacuum gauge Display unit is a Pfeiffer Model TPG256A which Pfeiffer calls the MaxiGauge. This is a 6 channel display unit and is now setup as follows: Ch #1 is a Pirani gauge at the output of the Turbo pump. This channel is labeled "TRPR" on the display. Ch #5 is a Pirani gauge on the system pumping manifold. This channel is labeled "SYPR" on the display. Ch #6 is a Full Range (combination Pirani and Ionization) gauge on the system pumping manifold. This channel is labeled "SYFR" on the display. Channels 2, 3, 4 are not used - no gauge head connected - The Pirani gauges are Pfeiffer Model TPR265 and is called a Compact Pirani gauge by Pfeiffer. The specified range of the TPR265 Pirani gauge is: 5 x E-4 to 1000 mbar. - The Full Range gauge is a Pfeiffer Model PBR260 and is called a Compact Full Range gauge by Pfeiffer. This gauge head includes both a Pirani and Ionization gauges. Switch over between Pirani and Ionization is automatic. As setup I believe that the: Ionization gauge operates 5 x E-10 up to 2 x E-2 mbar Pirani gauge operates 5 x E-3 up to 1000 mbar So the range from 5 x E-3 up to 2 x E-2 is the Ionization/Pirani overlap range. Vacuum Gauge Instructions: -------------------------- The AC power switch for the TPG256A vacuum gauge Display is on the back of the unit. Normally it can be left turned On. Once the Display is turned On its Pirani gauges (channels #1 and #5) will start reading out. Channel #6, the Full Range channel, will need to be turned On. To do this tap the left most soft key, the "Sensor Select" key until Channel #6 is high-lighted. Then tap the next to left most soft key, the "Sensor On" key. Channel #6 will now start to display. I like to tap the Sensor Select key one more time to high-light Sensor #1 to keep from accidentally changing something on the Full Range sensor. After about 30 minutes of no activity from the user the Display will blank and go dark. Just tap the left most "Sensor Select" soft key to wake up the display so that you can read the vacuum. Turbo Pump Instructions: ------------------------ I still do not have Control and Monitoring of this turbo pump working correctly from the DCU200 front panel via the RS-485 link between the DCU200 and the TC600. To make the pump cart usable for now I have setup a small "Remote Control" panel that is mounted on top of the DCU200. For now expect to see a blank front panel on the DCU200 (the RS-485 link is disconnected) and use the small Remote Control panel to operate the turbo pump through the DB-15 Remote Control connector on its TC600 module. This Remote Control panel can turn the turbo pump motor On and Off and with LEDs it shows you: if power is going to the pump motor, if the rotation speed of the pump motor is above 90% of its normal full rated speed of 60,000 rpm, and if the TC600 drive electronics is showing any errors, e.g. high temperature. To Start the turbo pump: - Turn On the AC power switch on the back of the DCU200. This switch can normally be left turned On. - At this point, on the small Remote Control panel, the "No Errors" LED should be On and both the "Motor Power" and the "> 90% Full Speed" LEDs should be Off. - Now on the small Remote Control panel flip the "Turbo Pump Motor" toggle switch to On. The "Motor Power" LED should come On immediately. After a few minutes the "> 90% Full Speed" LED will come On, i.e. the pump rotor is spinning at > 54,000 rpm. The "No Errors" LED should remain On at all times. To Shut Down the turbo pump just flip the "Turbo Pump Motor" toggle switch to Off. The "Motor Power" LED should immediately go Off. The "> 90% Full Speed" LED will go Off after about 2 minutes. Do not bleed air into the system until you have waited about 10 minutes for the turbo pump to fully spin down. The AC power switch on the back of the DCU200 can be left turned On. Order of Pumping Operations on a system that is dirty or starts at atmospheric pressure: - The goals are to keep as much of the Pump Cart vacuum system as clean as possible and to do nothing that overloads or risks damage to the turbo pump. - Start by pumping out the attached system through the Roughing Value. The Roughing Valve can be wide open and the Turbo Pump Input and Outlet Valves should be fully closed. The Turbo Pump must be Off. The intent is to limit any contamination from the attached system to the Roughing Valve circuit of the pump cart. Continue pumping the attached system through the Roughing Valve until you reach a pressure in the Pumping Manifold of 5 x E-2 mbar or less - then switch to pumping through the Turbo Pump. - Switch to the Turbo Pump by: fully close the Roughing Valve, fully open the Turbo Pump Outlet Valve, wait until the pressure at the Turbo Pump Outlet is 5 x E-2 mbar or less, turn On the Turbo Pump, slowly open the Turbo Pump Input Valve, open this Input Valve slowly so that the pressure at the Turbo Outlet remains in the E-2 mbar range or less, within about 2 minutes the Turbo Rotor > 90% of it full rated speed LED should come on, Continue slowly opening the Turbo Input valve while keeping the Turbo Outlet in the E-2 mbar range or less until this Input Valve is fully open. - To finish the pumping operation (assuming that you have reached a reasonable vacuum in the Pumping Manifold) just close all valves and turn Off both the Turbo and the dry fore pumps.