Norman's email notes about the Quick Dipper and SQUID 15-Nov-2020 I looked at Pratt's notebooks yesterday morning, and also looked for my own notes in my office. I'll start with the latter: Although I couldn't find anything in my old lab books (shame on me!), I finally found a file in the "experimental techniques" drawer of my filing cabinet, called "SQUID". It included the attached calculation, undated. I defined the gain of the entire SQUID chain, including the transformer, as a transconductance g. It is equal to TTR/Range in your notation. Since R_fb is many order of magnitude larger than R_ref, I wrote the feedback circuit as a current source with I_fb = V_fb/R_fb. If you look at the bottom right-hand corner of the page, the upper equation in the box is identical to your big equation on your Drawing 32, if I replace (R_fb+R_ref) with R_fb in your expression. But now, what's interesting is that Pratt's SQUID instruction booklet include the correction term to the voltage in the numerator, but not the correction to the sample current in the denominator. Clearly he thought the latter could be completely ignored. That was true for his sample resistances of 1 microOhm or so, but is less true for my group's sample resistances of 20 mOhms. I think the correction is still only on the few percent level, but I'll check again when I have more time. Finally, I believe that Pratt's correction term in the numerator was equal to 0.06%, when N=1 on the front panel of the SQUID controller box and using his original value or R_fb = 10 kOhms. (Is that correct -- I don't have the instruction booklet in front of me?) That should be equal to R_fb/g in my notation. With R_fb=10 kOhms, that gives g = 16 MOhms. (If you can derive that value from all the other parameters in the circuit, that would be great.) Now regarding Pratt's notebooks, I think it would be best for you to look at them before you write to Bill, but I've try to summarize the main points in the attached file called "Pratt_QD-1_notebook1_ selected_summary". A few important points: 1. Although the turns ratio of the transformer is greater than 17 (primary = 532 turns, secondary = 30 turns), he only got a current gain of 2.66. I guess the flux coupling is rather poor, probably due to the copper Faraday shield placed between the primary and secondary. 2. The modulation coil and input coil to the SQUID have very different current-to-flux coupling constants. 3. Bill models the internal SQUID feedback as though it were through a resistor rather than an inductance coupling flux into the SQUID. I'm not sure why he did that. He claims that the internal feedback is 1 Volt -> 1 microAmp, but I don't think that corresponds to 1 microAmp of current in the input coil, due to the previous point about the coils being different. 4. Book #2 is mostly about building QD-II, but it shows where he tried to increase the value of R_ref to 1.55 mOhms to optimize the system for our higher-resistance samples. Unfortunately, the system was not stable, so he went back to the old R_ref of about 100 microOhms. For your amusement: Inserted between pages 146 and 147 of book #1 is a sheet showing the frequency dependence of the system response. Then look on page 147: He laments too much current through solenoid magnet and burned out the persistent switch! Finally, I am pretty sure that the answer to your proposed second question to Bill is "yes": the extra probe hanging in room B112 has an extra Quantum Design SQUID sensor that Bill bought in case he might ever want to build a new Quick Dipper. That's all for now. We may have to meet in person again if you want to go deeper than this. Thanks! Norman P.S. I think I just found a mistake on page 3 of my notes. Did I write R_fb in the numerator instead of V_SQ?