# # Network interface configuration file # # /etc/rc.net will read this file to determine what configuration # commands are to be applied to the machine's network interfaces. # Each line is a rule beginning with an interface pattern followed # by a protocol/address family and a set of ifconfig parameters # or command line to execute. Each interface present on the machine # will be matched against the interface patterns in this file and # the first one found for each unique protocol/address familiy will # be executed. For example, as shipped, this file will do automatic # internet (inet) configuration for all interfaces (*) except for # the "primary" one, which will be configured according to hostconfig. # # Details: The interface name can use asterisks (*) to match any # substring. The protocol/address family can be any string. # The rest of the line will be given to ifconfig unless it is # preceeded by an exclamation mark (!), in which case it will be # executed as a command. In the latter case, the variable $if # can be used to refer to the interface name to be configured. # # Special Case #1: An interface name of -1- will match the primary # interface, whichever it might be. # # Special Case #2: An argument string of -HOSTCONFIG- will redirect # rc.net to get the network config info from the /etc/hostconfig file. # # Tip: To disable an interface, enter a line with the interface's # name and an action of "!false" (or any command that is a noop). # -1- inet -HOSTCONFIG- * inet -AUTOMATIC- netmask -AUTOMATIC- -trailers up