This web Directory contains pages about the following Items ------------------------------------------------------------- 15-OCT-1999 Sweeping Cryogenic Surrent Source --------------------------------- I_SOURCE_OPERATING_INSTRUCTIONS.TXT I_SOURCE_DAC_CODES.TXT I_SOURCE_BATTERIES_AND_POWER_SUPPLY.TXT I_SOURCE_PANELS_AND_CONNECTIONS.TXT I_SOURCE_PARTS_ORDERS.TXT I_SOURCE_DIGITAL_CONTROL.TXT I_SOURCE_SEPT_1999_DIGITAL_BOX.TXT ISDCPAL1.PDS # Control Logic PAL source file ISDCPAL1.JED # Control Logic PAL device programmer file ISDCPAL1.XPT # Control Logic PAL fuse plot file ISDCSTPH.DAT # Fixed Sweep Stop Points high byte PROM file ISDCSTPL.DAT # Fixed Sweep Stop Points low byte PROM file I_SOURCE_TIMING_TRAIN.TSF # Timing Train timing specification file ISTRAIN.DAT # Timing Train PROM file WAVEFORM.EXE # Timing Specification File compiler VAX VMS executable ICS4823A.R4 # PROM Data from the ICS 4823A IEEE488 Interface PROM ICS4823A.R4_DUMP # ascii dump of the PROM data Current Transformer for the Evaporator -------------------------------------- PRATT_HIGH_CURRENT_TRANSFORMER.TXT # Description of the Current Monitor RATT_HIGH_CURRENT_TRANSFORMER.TDJ # Calibration Curve for the Pickup