Planet Grouping Photo Page

Planet Grouping Photo Page May 5th, 2002

This photo was taken on May 5, 2002 at 9:55 pm EDT. The five planets span 36°, with Venus Mars and Saturn forming a compact triangle less than 3° on a side. The sun set this day at 8:43 pm so this photo was taken 1 hour 12 minutes after sunset.
Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Mercury

This photo was taken at 10:00pm EDT. It shows the compact triangle of Mars, Saturn and Venus. Mercury is to the lower right.
Saturn, Mars, Venus, Mercury

Here's the same photo with labels on the planets.
Saturn, Mars, Venus, Mercury

Photos by:
John French
Planetarium Production Coordinator
Abrams Planetarium
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan, USA

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