php notes 1. since designed with unix systems in mind, most parts is case sensitive...especially the one related to variable calling etx 2. the difference between get and post is well known but one of the main advantages of the post method is it can be used to send greater amount of information to be sent to the server. THERE IS A PHYSICAL LIMIT TO THE amount you can transmit as part of the URL ...which is what the get method does post is preferred or the only option in cases where there is the textarea control etc... 3. one disadvantage of the post method is the pages cannot be properly bookmarked wheras those pages with get can as the query string etc are part of the URL 4. Aslo URL encoding is used in the case of post method to avoid ambiguities that might arise in complex data sending ... 5. Array indexes always start from 0 6. always make sure to use $_GET['quantity'] , $_POST['quantity'];; etc to get the variables ..likewise for the post ....this is not stated in the book perhaps that might be because the book is written for somebody testing the codes usinf their own system as the server 7. $capital=$_GET['Question1']; always copy the variable values that you get from the GET AND POST methods to a local varialble that you declare in that specific file => reduces error a lot 8. The syntax to read the values of a multiple list box which is declared as is (use get/posr) e.g. $size1=$_GET['EngineSize'][0]; $size2=$_GET['EngineSize'][1]; $size3=$_GET['EngineSize'][2]; $size4=$_GET['EngineSize'][3]; 9. $capital=$_GET['Question1']; echo "you selected the answer: $capital "; (**) echo $capital; the above is exacly the same as $capital=$_GET['Question1']; echo "you selected the answer:".$capital; (*) echo $capital; see the differnce is in the fact that in the second(*) we are using string fact the parser takes this and first generates the same as in (**) 10. HIDDEN FORM FIELDS for persistence ->see after 21 11. see page 143 how to execute a malicious script through the input! interesting...also see how to stop especially the HTMLSpecialChars function 12. See the dynamic creation of form elements and data capturing using array of textbox etc echo ""; 163 13. WHENEVER THERE IS A NEED REFERENCE ARRAYS ON PAGE 167 ...see that in PHP, no allocation etc by the user...immediately the engine does it for you ...see the mentioned page...from page 167 to 189 a lot of array related stuff 14. In the php engine that I am using(.pa.msu.) there are some syntax differnces like echo "

".$_GET["Child"][$Count] cannot be written as echo "

$_GET["Child[$Count]"]" as the book advocates. 15. in php, by value and by reference are there example function tax($salary) { $salary=$salary + ... } this is by value function tax(& $salary) => this is by reference { $salary=$salary + ... } the trap when using by reference, just like c++ etc e.g. echo (tax(2000)); => cannot be used for the by reference case but rather use $salary=2000; echo (tax(&$salary));=>correct 16. Global and local variables variables inside a function => local just like other languages $GLOBALS["VariableName" ]=>This is to access the GLOBALS array ... 17. Using the static key word to retain the values of local vars e.g. function number_hits() { static $number=0; return $number = $number + 1; } in the above, the first time the function is called, $number is initialized with 0...aftre that the first sentence is not executed thereby retaining the previous value and one being added everytime it is called .. 18. see nesting of functions ...though not that useful function pension($Total) { function tax($Salary) { return $Salary-10; } $Posttax=tax($Total); return tax($Total)-(($Posttax/100)*3); } $Total=2500; echo (pension($Total));....actually when nesting PHP 4.0 outputs errors =>thus use nesting only for recusion...see page 216 e.g. function recursion ($val) { if ($val<=1) return 1; else return $val*recursion($val-1) 19. include files include("text.txt") will include the file at that particular points...text or html=>parsed... 20. see handling and avoiding error chapter 225-259 21. for comments use // ------------------see the program for e-mail checking using regular is cool------------ Persistence ======================== 1. do it urself persistence using Hidden => until one decides to commit the data stored in these variables to disk, the information stored in them exists only in the memory occupied by the Client's browser ....mostly used in continue...sign up etc multiple forms to pass info from 1->2->3...see page 263