Jiwu Liu

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824

Email: liujiwu@msu.edu Cell : 517-231-7841


  1. PhD (Expected: Spring 2009, Physics) Michigan State University, GPA 3.9/4.0

  2. Dissertation: Polymeric Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle Arrays

    Advisor: Prof. Phillip. M. Duxbury

  3. Master of Science (Physics) Institute of Solid State Physics, China (Fall 1996--Summer 1999)

  4. Advisor: Prof. Qing-Qi Zheng

  5. Bachelor of Science (Physics) Xinjiang University, China (Fall 1992--Summer 1996)

Professional Skills

  1. Language: Proficient in C++, Python. Experienced in Java, Perl and Unix shell scripting.

  2. System: Linux(Redhat, Ubuntu), Unix(Solaris, IRIX), Windows 2000/XP.

  3. Specialties: Numerical methods, GUI(Qt, Wx, Tk), Multi-thread, Network(TCP/IP), Parallel programming(MPI).

  4. Development Tools: IDE (Visual studio, KDevelop, Eclipse, Eric), Unix Make, SVN, UML, Trac.

  5. Experienced in high performance computation facility and PBS.

  6. Versed in molecular dynamics simulation software packages: LAMMPS, VMD.

Research Experience

  1. Research Assistant (Spring 2006--Spring 2009) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University

  2. Research Assistant (Summer 2005--Fall 2007) Distributed Data Analysis for Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) software project funded by NSF, Michigan State University

  3. Research Assistant (Summer 1997--Summer 1999) Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant (Fall 2002--Spring 2005) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University

  1. PHY 183/184 Physics for Scientist and Engineers I/II

  2. PHY 231/232 Introductory Physics I/II

Industry Experience

  1. System Analyst (July 2001--July 2002) ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen, China (The second largest telecommunication equipment manufacturer in China)

  2. Software Engineer (June 1999--June 2001) Shanghai Wireless Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturing Company, Shanghai, China


  1. Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, 2005

  2. Excellent Employee Award, Shanghai Wireless Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturing Company, 2001

  3. Student member of American Physical Society


  1. J. W. Liu, Z. Zeng, Q. Q. Zheng, H. Q. Lin and H. K. Wong, Hydrostatic pressure effect in La1-x(Ca)xMnO3 J. Appl. Phys., 85 5426, 1999

  2. J. W. Liu, Z. Zeng, Q. Q. Zheng and H. Q. Lin, Effective transfer integrals for the Jahn-Teller distortion in LaMnO3 Phys. Rev. B, 60 12968, 1999

  3. C. W. Fay, J. W. Liu and P. M. Duxbury, Maximum independent set on diluted triangular lattices Phys. Rev. E, 73 056112, 2006

  4. C. L. Farrow, P. Juhas, J. W. Liu, D. Bryndin, E. S. Bozin, J. Bloch, Th. Proffen and S. J. L. Billinge, PDFfit2 and PDFgui: Computer programs for studying nanostructure in crystals J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 19 335219, 2007

  5. J. W. Liu, M. E. Mackay and P. M. Duxbury, Nanoparticle formation by crosslinking a macromolecule Euro. Phys. Lett. 84 46001, 2008

  6. J. W. Liu, M. E. Mackay and P. M. Duxbury, Rigidity percolation in the intramolecular crosslinking of polymers, to be submitted

  7. J. W. Liu, M. E. Mackay and P. M. Duxbury Molecular dynamics simulation of the intramolecular crosslinking of BCB/styrene copolymers, to be submitted


  1. Professor Phillip M. Duxbury (Advisor)

  2. 4260 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building,

    Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University

    East Lansing, MI 48824

    Phone: (517) 884-5632

    Email: duxbury@pa.msu.edu

  3. Professor Subhendra D. Mahanti

  4. 4269 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building,

    Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University

    East Lansing, MI 48824

    Phone: (517) 884-5633

    Email: mahanti@pa.msu.edu

  5. Professor Michael E. Mackay

  6. 205 Dupont Hall,

    Department of Materials Science, University of Delaware

    Newark, DE 19716

    Phone: (302) 831-6194

    Email: mem@udel.edu