Texas/New Mexico Flying '06
November 2006

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HPIM5645 HPIM5648 HPIM5672
I can't wait to get my IR (and B737). St. Louis, MO Lambert Field, my confirmation of having crossed the Mississippi River for the first time! First time at Dallas Fort Worth, one of the world's famous busy airports.
HPIM5682 HPIM5683 HPIM5688
Ready for departure into New Mexico! A shed in the desert. Smalltown, USA. There's a lot of this stuff.
HPIM5693 HPIM5697 HPIM5699
Dona Ana County Santa Teresa (5T6). I should consider not trespassing into Mexico. El Paso!
HPIM5702 HPIM5704 HPIM5708
El Paso International (ELP) Departure from ELP, the public terminal.
HPIM5804 HPIM5812 HPIM5813
A real live Vought F4U Corsair! Alamogordo, New Mexico A resting bomber.