Reza Loloee, Ph.D.

Materials Science Engineer
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Michigan State University.
B104 BPS Building
East Lansing, MI 48824

Tel.:  517-884-5686 • Office
  or:  517-884-5685 • Lab
Fax:  517-432-3080

My name is Reza Loloee. I am a materials science specialist in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University. I am a labratories coordinator, in charge of common facilities in the CMP group. I train, supervise and help students and post-docs while I conduct research and collaborate with other faculties. This page gives links to some of our facilities, my research, and my outreach interests. You can explore by clicking on the navigation buttons above. On the right is the a picture of the Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building where I work.

