Source: graph/graph.h

Annotated List
    begin                : Thu Aug 19 1999                                           
    copyright            : (C) 1999 by Jan Meinke                         
    email                :                                     

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   * 
 *                                                                         *

#ifndef GRAPH_H
#define GRAPH_H
#include "vertex.h"
#include "edge.h"
#include "parser.h"
//#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>

/**This class represents a basic directed graph with vertices and edges.
  *Currently I am using a list of out edges to store the edge.
  *The vertices of the graph can be accessed through iterators as for 
  *the containers of the standard library
  *@author Jan Meinke

class Graph {

    /** Geometry indicates the geometry a graph is mimicking. It is used for
     *  creating and displaying the graph. */
    enum Geometry {SIMPLE_SQUARE, SIMPLE_CUBIC};
// Constructors
	/* This creates an empty graph which is useful if you want to construct a 
	 * graph that is not predefined.

	/* Constructs a graph imitating some simple geometric setups */
	Graph(Geometry type, int L);

// Destructor
// Accessors			
  /** Preflow-push relabel is an algorithm to find the maximum-flow/minimum cut
	*  in a capacitated network. The following procedure is implemented:
	*  Step 1:Assign a distance label to every vertex using BFS
	*         starting from the sink.
	*  Step 2:Add the source to the list of active vertices
	*  Step 3:Remove the vertex a with the highest distance label from the list of
	*         active vertices. If list is empty the algortihm terminates.
	*  Step 4:Get a list of all outgoing edges from a.
	*  Step 5:If there exist a reachable vertex with smaller distance label push
	*         as much flow through as allowed by the capacity of the edge to this
	*         node up to the excess(a). Continue with 4 until all excess flow is
	*         removed from a. Otherwise RELABEL
	*  Step 6:Increase the distance label min(dist(neighbors)+1
	*  Step 7:After N relabel operations do a global relabel as in Step 1
	* @author Jan H. Meinke
   int maxFlow(Vertex& s, Vertex& t);

  /** This function finds the shortest path between s and t. */
   int shortestPath(Vertex& s, Vertex& t,vector<Edge>& path);
  /** This function finds the shortest path between s and t.
	*	@return distance
	int shortestPath(Vertex& t);
	/** This function performs a breadth first search starting a vertex v
	void bfs(Vertex& v);
	void bbfs(Vertex& v);
// Modifiers
	/** This function adds a vertex with no attributes associated to it.
	  * @return The new vertex  
	Vertex& addVertex();

	/** This function removes the Vertex v from the Graph. It also removes all 
	  * Edges that either originate or terminate in v
	void removeVertex(Vertex& v);
	/** This function adds an Edge connecting vertex u and v.
	  * @return The new Edge
	Edge& addEdge(Vertex& u, Vertex& v);
	/** This function adds an Edge connecting vertex u and v and gives its
	  * capacity.
	  * @return The new Edge
	Edge& addEdge(Vertex& u, Vertex& v, int cap, int cost);
	/* This function removes an Edge from the Graph */
	void removeEdge(Edge& e);
  /** Return the first Vertex added to the Graph. */
  Vertex& getFirstVertex();

  /** Returns a reference to the Vertex that was
   *  added to the graph last.
  Vertex& getLastVertex();

  /** Edge capacities (weights) are read from a file. This way
  * it is possible to calculate the maximum flow/minimum
  * cut for a predefinede configuration.
  * The file has to be in the following format:
  * <!SMAGL v.0.3 : direct>
  * 1: cap11, cap12, cap13, ... , cap1n
  * 2: cap21, cap22, cap23, ... , cap2n
  * ...
  * N: capN1, capN2, capN3, ... , capNn
  * Here the first line defines the format of the upcoming file
  * In this case it is the format for a direct outgoing edge list.
  * This means that the first label indicates the order of the vertex
  * in which it was added to the graph and the list of capacities is
  * the same as in its outEdge list which is again the order in which
  * they were added.
  * This is defined as a direct list since it requires a direct and
  * intimate knowledge of the way the graph is constructed. Later other
  * formats will allow easier definition of edge capacities.
  void readEdgeWeights(istream& inputStream);

private: // Private functions

	/** Sets up a graph that has a geometry equivalent to
	  * that of a simple cubic lattice.
	  * @param L Linear size of the cube
	void setupSimpleCubic(int L);
	/** Check if Vertex v is in Graph
	 *  @param v The vertex to be checked
	 *  @return true if v is in the graph, false otherwise
	bool validVertex(Vertex& v);
  /** Creates a graph that has the symmetry of a square lattice of length L.
  *@param L length of the side of the lattice
  void setupSimpleSquare(int L);

	/** Gets the reverse edge to e. If A is the origin of e and B is
	 *  the target then the reverse edge has B as its origin and A as
	 *  its target.
	 *  @param e Pointer to an Edge e
	 *  @return Pointer to reverse Edge to e.
	Edge* reverseEdge(Edge* e);	
  /** Opens an output stream and writes a scene description
  * file as used by POVRay. This file can then be rendered
  * with POVRay to get a visual representation of the flow 
  * pattern.
  * @param filename
  * @param length Length of the edge of a cube.
  void writeFlowToPOV(const char* filename, int length);
  /** Hide an edge in the graph. While an edge is hidden it effectively does
  * does not exist for any algorithm running on the graph afterwards.
  * The edge can be restored with unhideEdge or unhideAllEdges.
  Edge* hideEdge(Edge* e);
  /** Insert all edges that were previously hidden with the hideEdge function.
  void restoreAllEdges();
  /**  */
  void writeToFile(const char* filename);
  /** Verfies that the current flow stored in the graph is a maximum flow.
  bool checkMaxFlow(Vertex& s,Vertex& t);

// Private attributes
	/** INFINITY is set to 2^31-1 which should work on most newer computers. It
	 *  would be much nicer to use std::numeric_limits, but it is not available
	 *  everywhere. Maybe I could use conditionals and use the 
	 *  std::numeric_limits if available. */
	const static int INFINITY = 2147483647;
  /** Keeps a record of removed vertices for reuse. */
  list<int> freeSlots;
  /** Index of the last added Vertex. It this variable is zero we have an empty graph. */
  int lastVertex;
  /** maxDist found in bfs algorithm. This is used to guarantee that the source 
   *  is above all other vertices.
  int maxDist;
  /** Keeps track of hidden Edges so they can be restored.
  list<Edge*> hiddenEdges;
  /** The number of vertices reachable from t in bfs. */
  int numberOfReachableVertices;
  /** The number of edges in the graph.  */
  int numberOfEdges;
  /** The number of vertices in the graph */
  int numberOfVertices;
  /** Keeps track of the original linar size of the Graph.
  * This is obviously only relevant for cubic and other lattices
  * that have a structure.
  int linearLength;
  /** Number of relabel operations in the maximum flow algorithm before a global
  * update of the distance labels.
  int relabelHeuristics;

  /** Contains all vertices in the Graph in the order
   *  in which they were added.
  vector<Vertex*> vertices;


Generated by: meinke@orion on Mon May 8 18:18:46 2000, using kdoc 2.0a35.