Cosmology simulation - table of redshift images

This gallery contains individual movie frames for a variety of redshifts. The table below shows thumbnails; click on the image for a full-sized image. Click here to return to the movie gallery.

Potentially useful links:

Attribution: if you choose to use any of the movies or images on this site, please use the attribution: "(c) Brian O'Shea (MSU) and the Enzo Collaboration, 2014"

Redshift (click link for restart parameter file) Baryon overdensity (full volume) Temperature (full volume) Grid levels (full volume) Baryon overdensity (thin slice) Baryon temperature (thin slice) Baryon overdensity with grids (thin slice) Baryon overdensity with grids (thin slice) Grid levels (thin slice) Phase diagram (full volume)
z = 7
z = 3
z = 2
z = 1
z = 0.5
z = 0.25
z = 0