Z=16 !this is the charge of the nucleus xmin=20 !these are limits xmax=70 clear orientation portrait device\colour postscript !! cursor -2 is for centering, -1 is for left justify, -3 for right just. set cursor -2 !___________________________________________ set xleadz 1.0 set yleadz 1.0 set xnumsz .6 set ynumsz .6 set xticl -.5 set xtics -.25 set yticl -.5 set ytics -.25 set xlabsz 1.0 set ylabsz 1.0 set lintyp 1.0 set linthk 6.0 set charsz 0.4 !set xln 10 !set yln 10 !!ylabel "P(n)" !!xlabel "n" !___________________________________________ !These are the dimensions of the borders xxll=4.5 xxuu=17 yyll=5.0 yyuu=14 !___________________________________________ !delxlabel and delylabel are the offsets of the label. delxlabel=3 delylabel=3 set xlaxis xxll set xuaxis xxuu set ylaxis yyll set yuaxis yyuu !___________________________________________ color 1 ! y-axis label ytext=yyuu xtext=xxll-delylabel set xloc xtext set yloc ytext set txtang 90 set txthit 0.7 text `log<_>10<^>[Yield(<^>A<_>S)]' ! x-axis label xtext=(xxuu+xxll)/2.0 ytext=yyll-delxlabel set xloc xtext set yloc ytext set txtang 0 set txthit .7 text `A' !title ytext=yyuu-1.3 set txthit 0.7 xtext=xxuu-0.6 set xloc xtext set yloc ytext set cursor -3 set color 1 text `after decays' !autoscale !usage: scales xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax scales xmin xmax -15 2 ! xvmin,yvmin.. set where the max/min tick marks go set nlxinc 10 set nsxinc 2 set xvmin 0.0 set xvmax 100 set nlyinc 4 set nsyinc 5 set yvmin -15 set yvmax 5 graph\axesonly set txthit 0.7 ytext=yyll+1 xtext=xxuu-0.5 set cursor -3 !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T1.5_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 2 set pchar -1 graph\noaxes x y1 ytext=ytext+1.1 set xloc xtext set yloc ytext text ` T=1.5' !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T3_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 3 set pchar -5 graph\noaxes x y1 ytext=ytext+1.1 set xloc xtext set yloc ytext text ` T=3.0' !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T4.5_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 4 set pchar -10 graph\noaxes x y1 ytext=ytext+1.1 set xloc xtext set yloc ytext text ` T=4.5' !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T6_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 5 set pchar -12 graph\noaxes x y1 ytext=ytext+1.1 set xloc xtext set yloc ytext text ` T=6.0' !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T7.5_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 6 set pchar -14 graph\noaxes x y1 ytext=ytext+1.1 set xloc xtext set yloc ytext text ` T=7.5' !__________________________________________ ! upper panel !___________________________________________ !These are the dimensions of the borders set xnumsz 0 xxuu=17 yyll=14.0 yyuu=23 !___________________________________________ !delxlabel and delylabel are the offsets of the label. delxlabel=3 delylabel=3 set xlaxis xxll set xuaxis xxuu set ylaxis yyll set yuaxis yyuu ytext=yyuu+0.7 set txthit 0.6 xtext=0.5*(xxll+xxuu) set cursor -2 set xloc xtext set yloc ytext set color 1 text `(Z<_>sys<^>=80,A<_>sys<^>=200) <^>A<_>S+X' !title ytext=yyuu-1.3 set txthit 0.7 xtext=xxuu-0.6 set cursor -3 set xloc xtext set yloc ytext set color 1 text `before decays' !___________________________________________ color 1 scales xmin xmax -14.999 2 ! xvmin,yvmin.. set where the max/min tick marks go set nlxinc 7 set nsxinc 2 set xvmin -20.0 set xvmax 50.0 set nlyinc 4 set nsyinc 5 set yvmin -15 set yvmax 5 graph\axesonly !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T1.5_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 2 set pchar -1 graph\noaxes x y2 !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T3_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 3 set pchar -5 graph\noaxes x y2 !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T4.5_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 4 set pchar -10 graph\noaxes x y2 !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T6_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 5 set pchar -12 graph\noaxes x y2 !________________________________________________________ file=`sorted_results/sorted_Z80_A200_T7.5_z16.dat' read file x y1 y2 y1=log10(1.0E-99+y1) y2=log10(1.0E-99+y2) color 6 set pchar -14 graph\noaxes x y2 !________________________________________________________ file=`tempdependence_fixedz_z16.eps' hardcopy s file