___________________________________________________________________ Dec. 21, 2000 EASY 1.0-beta First released. Has been extensively rewritten since first published work, mainly for the purposes of cleaning up the coding. Minor differences with published results due to modifications in cutoffs. See the doc directory for more information or directions, or read nucl-th/0009065, a copy of which is included in the doc directory. ___________________________________________________________________ Feb.27, 2001 A line in nucl_info.cc was erased as FRLDM() was called but not used. No change in output should result from this change. ___________________________________________________________________ Mar. 25, 2001 Several bugs were fixed that stopped the program from running with different compilers or on different architectures. Additionally, a small error was found which set the binding energies off by 1.0 MeV for masses above A_makebelieve. Since all masses were off by the same amount this should have had a negligible effect, but it is recommended that you update the version you currently have if you downloaded it before this time.