Instructions for Using AltaVista Forum

PHYSICS 232, Spring 1998

In addition to the help room, you can get help on the Asynchronous Learning Network (ALN), using AltaVista Forum. On Forum, you can post questions. You may get answers from other students or from 232 staff. Response time should vary from 0 to 12 hours.

Although you can read messages without logging on, you must log on to post messages. All students already have accounts set up. To log on,

  1. Dial into
  2. Your user name is your pilot ID (everything in your e-mail address before the "@")
  3. Your password is your student number. Be sure to enter with an uppercase "A".

Once you have satisfied the password gods and wish to enter a discussion,

  1. Choose the Discussion + Document Forum PHY 232 Spring 1998. you will find folders for each of the homework sets and each of the three exams. There will be subfolders for certain groups of problems within each set.
  2. Once you are within the desired set, look at the topics already entered. If there esn't a topic already present for th question number (or concept) that you would like to discuss, then you can choose the pop-up menu and select Add Discussion Topic.
    The Add Discussion Topic option will present a form. Fill in the details of your question and submit.
  3. If someone has already posted a topic on the same homework problem or concept you are interested in, you can click on that link to view what has been posted. You can choose the Add Reply icon to answer questions or ask additional questions on this topic. Again a form will be presented which you can fill in and submit.