Physics 422 -- Fall 2012

Homework #4, due Friday Sep. 28 at beginning of class

1. [6 pts]    A projectile is fired in the vertical direction at latitude alpha. It reaches a maximum height H.
(a) Find its displacement in the east-west direction when it returns to ground level due to the Coriolis force, as was done in lecture for a falling object.
(b) For the special case that the launch site is on the equator (alpha=0), check your answer to part (a) by an argument based on angular momentum conservation, as was done in lecture for a falling object.

2. [6 pts]    Marion & Thornton problem 10.18 (Disclaimer: Common physics folklore holds that in 1914, British warships corrected their aim for the Coriolis Effect in the wrong direction, because they used tables computed for the northern hemisphere. This legend is probably false. You may be able to decide for yourself whether or not the legend is plausible, by comparing the size of the Coriolis displacement with the unpredictable displacements caused by the target ships making frequent changes in course direction to attempt to avoid being hit.)

3. [3 pts]    Marion & Thornton problem 10.21

(Last updated 9/22/2012.)