Wayne Repko

Wayne Repko
High Energy Theory [HEPT]
Curriculum vita
Recent papers
(517) 355-9200 X2123
3205 BPS
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

For views of the new Science Building see:
New Building-East View
New Building-Southeast View
New Building-Southwest View
New Building-Interior View
Atrium-Looking North
Atrium-Looking Southwest
Atrium-Looking Northwest
For a picture of the original MAC physics building, vacated in 1949, as painted by Mrs. Gunson, who lived nearby, see:
Original Physics Building
For Faculty-Staff Tennis League Schedules see:
Tuesday League
Thursday League

For a view of the 65% changes see:
65% Changes

Automatically Generated Sat 27 May 1995
Updated 11 February 2003.