Dmitri Ryvkine

Contact information

Address: 4252 BPS, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

Curriculum Vitae, November 2005

Current status

Ph.D. candidate in Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, degree expected in 2006. Advisor - Mark Dykman

Research highlights

My current research interests lie in the areas of (i) activated processes in nonequilibrium systems and (ii) microwave absorption and heating of 2D electrons on liquid helium. The work I have been doing with my advisor Mark Dykman is theoretical and involves both analytical and numerical methods, as well as simulations. [Read more...]

Recent journal publications

D. Ryvkine and M.I. Dykman. Noise-induced escape of periodically modulated systems: From weak to strong modulation. Phys. Rev. E 72, 011110, 2005 [link]

M.I. Dykman and D. Ryvkine. Activated escape of periodically modulated systems. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 070602, 2005 [link]

D. Ryvkine, M.I. Dykman, and B. Golding. Scaling and crossovers in activated escape near a bifurcation point. Phys. Rev. E 69, 061102, 2004 [link]

M.I. Dykman, B. Golding, and D. Ryvkine. Critical exponent crossovers in escape near a bifurcation point. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 080602, 2004 [link]


Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michigan State University
Mark Dykman (advisor)

Last updated: July 22, 2005

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